Bishop Coulter: The war goes on… Pray for our nation!

The war for the soul of this nation continues. The church must not sleep. Many prayed fervently for our nation before the election. We must maintain that fervor. Extreme elements are trying to steal the progress we have made as a nation.

My prayer today for this nation is Ps 59:1-3 Deliver me (our nation) from my (its) enemies, O my God; Defend me (our nation) from those who rise up against me (it). 2 Deliver me (our nation) from the workers of iniquity, and save me (our nation) from bloodthirsty men. 3 For look, they lie in wait for my (our nation) life; The mighty gather against me (Our nation), NKJV

Folks, the corruption in high places is rampant. Our new president promises to drain the swamp; but the resistance from the firmly placed establishment is fierce. The only way we will have justice is for God’s people to pray fervently for our nation and speak out against the evil they see.

So, let us pray that Congress will see the evil and corruption around them and repent and do something about it. Let’s pray that our congress will put the people’s interest ahead of their own. Without our prayers and God’s help, the administration cannot prevail in its reforms. Let us pray that justice will be done and that this country will once again honor God and the rule of law.

Remember James 5:16 The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (NKJV)

We must not stop praying for our nation. It is the prayers of the saints that will win the day.

Praying fervently,
Bishop Bob Coulter

February 15, 2017

A Little Kneeology…… Matthew 6:10 (NLT) “……. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:10 (NLT) “……. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”      As Jesus answered the disciple’s question as to how to pray, He emphasized the need to pray for God’s will to be done, but what is God’s will? To know His will requires us to invest a certain amount of intimate time with God, in His Word and through prayer. This brings up the question, “How often do you pray to know God’s will versus just praying for your will to be done?”  I wonder for those of us who are involved in various ministries just how often do we really spend time in asking the will of God for His ministries to which we have been called to manage?  By the same token, if our lives have been surrendered to God, how often do we ask His will for our lives? We are quick to convey our will and needs in our prayers to the Lord, but how often do we meditate on the will of God, how often do we ask what is His will for our lives, or even for the day?  I am reminded of a recent conversation with a pastor that was telling me all the plans he had for his new church and ministry.  After about twenty minutes of blowing and going, I asked, “Have you asked God what is His will for His ministry that He has given over to you to manage?  His reply was, “Oh, I know what has to be done because I have planned this all out for a long time and know exactly what I want to do.”  Consequently, that is most often the case with most, our will and plans, our ownership of that which we really don’t own at all.  “On earth as it is in heaven” speaks of God’s sovereignty, His will throughout and over all creation and especially those who are defined by His name.  It speaks of an attitude of spirit and heart, an attitude of obedience in living out His will in our daily lives as people of the Kingdom.  Being within His will is the key to a genuine in an intimate relationship with God, the desire to remain in His will in all that we do and are about.  Amen?

NOTW, Bro. Mike

A Little Kneeology……

“What Me Worry?” The legendary Alfred E. Neuman of Mad Magazine led off each issue with the slogan. Those of us who are a bit older will remember. However, it seems it would do well for us to adopt the saying as Christians. As Christianity is a faith walk in the supernatural, believing in a supernatural God and acts in the supernatural, why then do we lack belief that He will act in the supernatural for us when it comes to our needs and concerns? It seems rather weird that we would have a supernatural conversation (prayer) with Him asking for needs to be met and then worry that they won’t be. I sometimes wonder if our doubt comes from our knowledge of our unfaithfulness and the lack of confidence in His Word. Our witness to others of His faithfulness and provision to nonbelievers seems to fall short when as they observe us worrying for our needs or fretting over so many worldly issues. Our witness speaks of the sovereignty of God over all creation but then folks observe us in such a state of anxiety, having a counter effect of our message. As the world worries about so much and ever so much that they have no control over, they are hungry for the reality of the message that God is in control and He alone is our hope for each day’s concerns. The witness of worry indicates that we are torn between loyalty to this world and God’s promise of provision. James speaks of it as a wave ebbing forward and then backward. As faith grows from one experience of the provision of God to another, doubt and worry witness to the lesser. Worry and fret are tools of the enemy that not only have an effect on our witness but also distracts us from the work and tasks that we have been called to complete for the Kingdom, as well as consuming our energies. Our prayers should speak of trust and thankfulness for our provision, demonstrating faith, not worry. Faith conquers worry and weakens the hold of the enemy. Let us find peace in the supernatural provision of His promises. Amen?
NOTW, Bro. Mike

Ministry Tips and Tools: Staying Spiritually Strong


My topic today is Staying Spiritually Strong. There are times when I struggle to keep my spirituality up; when old habits or (dare I say) old sins start clouding my mind.
All of a sudden, thoughts I have not had for years come flooding in and I am taken aback. Something happens, those old hurts come back, the resentment rises up, or maybe a stronghold in my life that’s been under cover; something I have not really dealt with.
The enemy comes in saying mockingly, “How can you say you are a Christian with those thoughts or those actions.” He tries to intimidate you, by asking how a holy God can use you or answer your prayers. The enemy is always trying to get you to break your intimacy with God.

He will try to put doubt in your mind in order to separate you from the love of God. He tries this when you are unusually tried and frankly many times after you had a major event where God used you mightily and you are emotionally and physically drained. An example of this is found in I Kings 18 where Elijah had a great victory when he killed the prophets of Baal and prayed rain back to the land. Immediately in 1 Kings 19 Satan, through Jezebel, threatened Elijah’s life and, because he was physically and emotionally drained, he believed the bad report and ran for his life. In fact, he got so depressed he asked God to take his life. Ministry can be tough, but we must not let Satan’s lies stop us.

He will bring things across your path to discourage you. We must immediately counterattack with the word of God. Remember 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (NIV) and 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (NIV)

We must continue to make our personal relationship with Christ fresh daily. Let us seek God with greater passions as Ps 42:1-2 says. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. 2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? (NIV) We must always be thirsty for God’s Word and a relationship with Him. Without drinking in His Presence and Word daily, we will become very weak and expose ourselves to Satan’s tricks.

A hunter shared the following information with me. The hunter will many times look for the path the animal is taking to the water hole and try to ambush and kill it along the trail before it gets to the water. Satan is like that hunter; he will try to ambush along the way as we seek God and his Word for our lives and ministries.

Here are some ways he will try to ambush you:
He tries to trivialize your ministry. How many times have you heard people say “Oh they’ll never change. You are wasting your time and energy”? But if God called you to the ministry, He has a purpose for you and you will succeed under His guidance. God calls us to be obedient to speak forth His word. He has given us sheep will hear our voice as we speak His words. Many people do not respond to the gospel message because the wrong shepherd is speaking. God places us where we will be most effective in ministry. So, just because someone else was not successful in an area, does not mean you will be unsuccessful.
Satan will try to tell you that you are not making a difference. What most people in ministry do not realize is that people are watching you and listening to you. So how we react to a situation speaks louder than what we say. People will watch you for a long period of time until they are sure you are real. A lady, who is now joining TMCI, told me, “I have watched you for a year and now I know this is an organization I want to belong to.
Satan tells us our ministry is too small to make a difference. I have discovered that God is not in the number business, but the discipleship business. Many ministries talk about how many members they have, but God did not tell us to make members, but disciples of Jesus Christ. So a small ministry that minister one on one sometimes produces more fruit than larger ministry. I know of one minister who never had more than fifteen or twenty in her church, but she has released over one hundred people for ministry because she took the time to disciple and mentor them. In God’s eyes no ministry is too small. Remember Jesus spent most of His time with twelve and a lot of that time with just three.
If you have been around long enough, you have heard me say, “Satan will get you to do a lot of good things that are not God things.” What do I mean by that? Most of us are mercy motivated and want to help people. So when someone sees our gifting and asks for our help, we run to help them and then we run to help another person and frankly it makes our flesh feel good. But, if what we are doing is outside our vision statement, we must not do it. Stay focused on what God called you to do. Many times we steal ministry from someone else by stepping in too quickly. This is especially true with new converts who are trying to get their courage up to serve and they think, “Well I might try that,” but then you step in and steal the opportunity from them. Give them some time while you pursue your calling.

Another trick that Satan tries in order to steer you away from your calling is to offer you a big ministry that is outside your calling.
You must always be alert that you do not get outside the anointing on your life. Satan does that so you will fail and the ministry you were called to will falter.
One of the biggest way Satan tries to discourage you is to bring a religious spirit across your path. This includes those who would say, “You do not have the education; you do not have the ability, that will cost too much.” Unfortunately these can be close friends or associates who are trying to keep you from moving on in Christ. They are comfortable where they are and they want to keep you there. One of the hardest things you will have to do to move on with God is to leave some friends and associates behind. The question God will ask you is. “Which is more important My relationship with you or your friends and associates. Remember, it’s not what you want, or what your friends, relatives or associates want, it’s what God wants to do in your life. If you obey God’s calling on your life, you will have great success in the Kingdom of God.
Other thing, I found out is that God does not want our ability, but our availability. He, through the Holy Spirit, will equip us to do what he calls us to do. I also discovered that God never gives us all the resources before we start. What He wants you to do is step out by faith and he will supply your need as you go. Once you take the first step the resources start to flow, because you stepped out in faith.

In today’s atmosphere in our society, it is easy to get discouraged and believe that you are not making a difference, but you are. I have an advantage in reading the monthly reports. God is working in many areas, and He is using you to make a difference. Since last September God has used TMCI ministries to lead over 30,000 people to Christ. You are making a difference. So continue to speak to your sphere of influence and walk out your salvation before all people and God will give you many divine appointments.

Let us continue to walk by faith and ignore Satan’s lies.
Bishop Bob Coulter

Master Planning Tool


Whether you are just starting a ministry or trying to fine tune your vison for the future, you may be looking for a tool to assist you. Hab 2:2 says: Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. (NKJV)

For many years in leadership seminars I have used a tool called a master planning worksheet. I have attached a copy for you to use.

This tool shows where you have been and helps you to focus what you must do next to fulfill your vision. At first glance, it may seem tedious but if you persevere it will help clarify where you are going and what your next step should be.

I have included an explanation of each column which I pray will help you through the process. Also attached is a video that explains the process.

In the first column “Needs” you list the needs that you feel deeply burdened by and are uniquely qualified to meet. There is space for eight needs but I encourage you to write no more than three.  Examples of needs are a deep burden for the homeless, for the sick, or for youth or children. Be specific:  do not write general needs such as saving the world or our community.

In second column “Purpose” answer the questions:  Why does my ministry exist and what does God expect of me?  Each ministry should have a purpose statement which leads to understanding of your heart when others read it.  For example: TMCI purpose statement is “The purpose of The Missionary Church International  is to grow God’s Kingdom on earth by helping  men and  women fulfill  God’s calling on their lives giving them a 501 (c) (3) Charter (USA only), ordination, prayer covering,  encouragement, and  equipping at regional and annual meetings and on the internet.”

In the third column “Milestones” list the significant things you have already accomplished, one of which is your willingness to step out and be used by God.  This “milestone list” will remind you of how faithful God has been in the past.

TMCI can look back and see how God opened doors in Liberia, Ghana, Zimbabwe and Mexico. This backward glance gives us confidence and expectation of God’s hand in establishing works in other countries.

In the fourth column “Resources” list the assets God has given you to accomplish His will.

TMCI has been blessed with a talented team to accomplish what God called us to do.

In the fifth column “Roadblocks” list obstacles that might keep you from reaching your full potential.  This serves as a reality check. Anytime you begin to do what God has called you to do, you will have opposition. Many times it is a religious spirit saying that you are not educated or qualified or “we do not do it that way.’  Identifying Roadblocks will not stop you, but will prepare you to overcome or avoid them.

TMCI have had road blocks that we had to work through, but with God’s grace we have overcome.

In the sixth column “Ideas” list what you aren’t currently doing that you might consider for the future. Have fun, let the Holy Spirit reveal to you the possibilities in your life and ministry.

In the seventh column “Objectives” identify the areas where you should concentrate your energies. Identify at least three, but not more than five. Trying to do too much will make you ineffective in all areas. What you do must be done at the right time and with perfection to have a real impact.  For example: TMCI’s objective is to help at least one hundred more new ministries get started this year.

In the eighth column, the suggestion is to write your long range goals 5-10 years. I suggest you ignore this column since most ministries renew (fine tune) their vision after five years.

In the ninth column write your intermediate goals:  2-5 years. There is space for six but you may have only one, two, or maybe three.  The important thing is that you write where you want to be as a ministry in 2-5 years. Be specific: express these goals in a way that can be measured.

In the tenth column write your short range goals: 1-2 years. In this column state where you want to be in relation to your 2-5 years goals.

Lastly the eleventh column is your immediate goals. List the steps you will take in the next 90 days to move toward your 2-5 years goals. These must be goals that can be measured, so you can keep yourself accountable and keep moving forward. After the first 90 days, you set up your next ninety days and continue that sequence until the 2-5 year goals are meet. This eleventh column is very important.  A lot of people talk about long range goal, but never start any steps toward them and therefore never succeed.

I pray this is a helpful tool for you to use.

Be Blessed,

Bishop Bob Coulter


A Little Kneeology……

A Little Kneeology……  Hebrews 13:5 (Msg)  Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help; I’m fearless no matter what.  Who or what can get to me?

 It seems that so much of concern for many ministries focus on financial or material needs as a necessity for ministry itself.  I know that I have written several articles dealing with such but it just seems to prevail in so many of the requests and among many of the pastors that I visit with daily.  I know that finances in this world are important but the ability to minister and witness to the power of the gospel must not depend on money and material things.  There are specifics that we might consider important that require certain finances but their absence should not prevent us from witnessing to the power of the gospel to change lives.  So much of what we do has come to depend more on finances and material needs than the power of the Holy Spirit.  If we are submitted to the power of God rather than the physical or financial influence to empower the work to which He has called us, we can’t fail.  It is all about being submitted to Him and placing ourselves under His covering.  I know of pastors who have admitted to me that as they grew their ministry in accordance to their plans and the need for more money and much larger and more expensive facilities, more of their focus was on getting the money than on the actual ministry itself. Consequently, the ministry ended up suffering and in some cases failed.  I recently spoke to a pastor that told me that his ministry was doing well and growing so he and his other church leaders decided that if they build a much larger church and added more programs that it would draw more people to the church and based on the success of their present ministry, it would just grow and grow.  Not so, the financial demands on paying for and maintaining the much larger facility and staff took the focus away from ministering to the real needs of the people.  Even after all these past thirty years of ministry I can recall how in the early years under pressure of finance committees and denominational support demanding more finances took away from actual ministry.  We preach about faith but then allow things of the world to suppress ministry with a spirit of weariness.  A few years ago as God called me to leave the denomination that I was part of and into a new ministry, I submitted to Him in faith that He would provide for that which He had called me.  Such submission included finances, facilities, and every daily need and not to look to the future beyond the vision that He would give me, nothing of my own design.  We have moved from location to location based only on the immediate need, kept programs that only focused on witnessing to His glory and the making of disciples, and showing the love of Christ by providing for the needy and homeless.  Guess what, He has never let us down, walked away, or left us !  He has provided for us daily our needs and even allowed for some of our wants.  I share this witness in an effort to share not only the truth of His Word but hopefully to ease the weariness of those who are losing so much of the joy and blessings that come by just letting go and letting God.  It truly becomes a matter of saying, “Who or what can get to me?”  It is one of God’s secrets to finding peace.  Amen?

 NOTW…Bro. Mike

A Little Kneeology

A Little Kneeology.….. Acts 19:13 (Msg) Some itinerant Jewish exorcists who happened to be in town at the time tried their hand at what they assumed to be Paul’s “game.” They pronounced the name of the Master Jesus over victims of evil spirits, saying, “I command you by the Jesus preached by Paul!”

I really love this passage of Scripture about the sons of Sceva and their trying to do the things of God without His anointing and power. It also serves to me as a reminder that unless it is all about God from beginning to end, don’t try it. We all should be familiar with the caution in Romans 11:25 of thinking too highly of ourselves and likewise, our authority and power. If our spiritual cord is not plugged in to the power of God we had better think twice about taking on the devil and his demons. Consequently, it also reminds me that unless I keep my focus on that which He has empowered and called me to then it is going to be blessed. It is when I get to thinking that I am going to do things my way and that “I disease” infects His ministry with “My ministry” I am going to see trouble for sure. The sons of Sceva sought to use the name of Jesus based on what they had heard of instead of a faith testimony of what they have experience personally of the power of God. Although it is great to hear, to know of what others have experienced of the Gospel but until we have that inner first-hand experience of the power of God, until we have submitted ourselves fully as a vessel of His power, we are operating on empty. A few weeks ago, God gave me a word that has become very vital to my daily ministry effort, “To experience Me, You must be where I am!” As a result of that word, I make sure to make several audits of my position daily, checking to see if I am trying to do things on my effort or am I submitting everything to God’s directions and plan. I could fill many journal pages with testimony of times that I tried do things on my own and likewise many more pages of successful ministry as I submitted myself to the Lord’s provision and power. I am sure that I have gone the long way around saying that as long as we move in the direction of God’s individual plan for us, in faith, and not moving on someone else’s success of ministry, then and only then can do the work that He has given us. It seems to be a fad of folks reading or hearing about another’s success in a particular ministry and then our trying to jump off into the same without the calling and without the anointing for that particular ministry. Let’s be sure to submit ourselves to that which He has called us and empowers us. Amen?

NOTW…Bro. Mike

LISTEN and ACT – Just a Thought from Bishop Coulter


 If you have heard me speak, you know that I always mention, especially to leaders, the importance of your quiet time with Christ daily so the Holy Spirit can speak into your spirit the things that Christ has for you that day. (Rom 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,)

 Heb 1:1-2 directs us “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, 2 has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds (NKJV)

How does Christ speak to us? Through his word and through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said an astonishing thing in John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. (NKJV) When the Son of God says it’s best for him to get out of the way, we had better listen carefully!

His plan was to send someone who could help us in our Christian walk: The Holy Spirit.

Jesus spoke in John 16:13-15 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.  14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.  15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. ( NKJV)

I recently sent a word (attached) that the Lord gave me for TMCI this year. One of the opening lines was “…the key is to draw even closer to Christ”. Another key phrase in the Word I received is “This is a year of substantial blessing on those who are obeying the Word of God that is given to them”. I feel in my spirit that God is about to give a special word to all TMCI people who take the time to listen to his still small voice. We them must act on that word. We must pray it, and speak it so that it will not come back void. God is releasing much revelation this coming year and it will truly be a year of great spiritual and numerical growth for those who act on the word that God gives them.

I am believing for a great move of God this year in all TMCI ministries.

Be blessed in all that you do,

Bishop Bob Coulter

TMCI – The Missionary Church International, P.O.Box 1761, Columbia, South Carolina 29202

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Kneeology: “Go and be a blessing” – a directive from God

Genesis 12:2 (Msg)  (God speaking to Abraham)

I’ll make you a great nation and bless you. I’ll make you famous; you’ll be a blessing.

God spoke these words to Abraham in forming His chosen people.  As I read these words I draw a “command” or to be more politically correct, a directive.  I read into this verse, “Go and be a blessing”.

As we all enjoy speaking to others about the blessings that we have received, how God has worked in our lives, it seems that although we should be grateful and certainly celebrate our blessings, we must also be a blessing to others.  As we are a blessing to others we are extending God’s grace and glory for others to experience so that they too can be a blessing to others.  It is supposed to be a continuous cycle of sharing and of folks realizing God’s goodness. I really love the prayer requests that come in from folks asking God to use them to bless others.  It is a sign to me of their focus and the intent of their ministry.  Blessings beget blessings.  In our being blessed, God means for us to serve as a conduit sharing His grace and glory with others.  I like to think of it as “blessing tag”.  Often the process gets bogged down as our greater focus is on self and just how much more we can be blessed and therefore we remain in the receiving mode instead of passing it on.

One of the regular evaluators for our ministry efforts at Rushing Wind is that of reviewing just how the different facets of ministry is blessing others, how is it passing the experience of God’s grace and glory on to others.  It is most often that one comes to know God through blessings.  Blessings, the realization of receiving, make God real and creates the desire to know Him in much deeper ways. It is vital in all of our ministries for us to help folks understand the source of their blessings. We must be in a constant audit of how we are passing on blessings.  Anything that does not extend the grace and glory of God, that doesn’t focus on Kingdom building must be discarded.  In fact, God’s calling on our lives and for our ministries is all about extending His glory and blessings so that others will seek to know Him up close and personal. Let us keep on keeping it on.

 NOTW…Bro. Mike

Bishop Coulter: Word for TMCI for 2016

The Lord gave me a word for TMCI for this year:

This is a year of growth both spiritually and numerically. The key is to draw even closer to Christ. To listen intensely to His small voice. The world will see chaos; you will see the peace of Christ in all that you do.

Those who listen to worldly voices will falter; those who listen to the voice of God will have great success this year. Many will have increases in donations that will allow them to expand their ministries.

There will be a great move of God in all TMCI ministries that listen carefully to what the Spirit is saying. This is a year of substantial blessing on those who are obeying the Word of God that is given to them.

God is giving some new insight into His Word. Those who will take that insight and Word and speak God’s Word into their environment will see great changes. God’s Word will not come back void.

 Isa 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void,

But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (NKJV)

Speak with confidence and trust in the Lord with all your heart and expect God to move on your behalf.

Prov 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  (NKJV)

Many are the blessings of the Lord on your ministry this year. Praise His Holy name!

Bishop Bob Coulter