Judy Covington presents “The Story of TMCI” part 2


Miss part1? Click here: https://www.tmcimissions.org/?p=2095

Judy Covington presents The story of TMCI, part 1


Bishop Coulter – Join us in prayer September 18 “Calling Forth a National Solemn Assembly”

Important Report from Arlene Reitz, Guatemala

Praising God for the wonderful work He is doing!  Pastor Antonio sent me the photos of the church.  My heart is to fulfill God’s call on my life in Guatemala, specifically with building up Fountain of Grace Church, by mentoring Pastor Antonio, teaching the women and raising up teams for leadership-Plus get the church building project completed, and specially the sanctuary as soon as possible.  We are moving forward in the Spirit of Unity.  Bridges of Grace sowed money for the windows right before my departure to the States for hip surgery.  And these photos tell the story.  We are on target! Give God the Glory!

My plan was to get the windows in while in the States recuperating!  They did it!
I am so pleased with their progress.  It motivates me to press in more and more to complete my therapy and return to these precious people and the powerful work God is doing!
The second part of my plan is to be able to raise more funds for the floor while I am in the States.  I am asking for help.  Please keep Fountain of Grace Church lifted up in pray as we continue to move forward.   And please pray that I will continually be strengthened that I will be well and able to speak up in churches and into the hearts of others to join Pastor Antonio and Bridges of Grace Ministries build up the Kingdom Of God in Xecam, Cantel, Guatemala.  Fountain of Grace Church is a worthy cause and a great field to sow good seed and reap an abundant harvest, bringing all Glory to God.  If we aren’t laboring with Jesus, we labor in vain.  He is Savior, Lord, and King of the harvest!

An Encouraging Word from Bishop Coulter: God’s Plan

Bishop Coulter: An Encouraging Word on Our Thought Life

Danny Steyne-Special Report from Colombia, South America

Barranquilla, Colombia, South America: June 2018
My heart is overwhelmed with joy. What an amazing trip to Barranquilla, Colombia. A prophetic word about a dozen years ago was completely accurate. “You’ve seen what I have done in Columbia, South Carolina… but when you go to Colombia, South America everything will explode there and with everything and everywhere!”
We were in Colombia when the summit with Trump (USA) and Kim (North Korea) happened. In Colombia on Sunday elections were held and Duque was elected, something that will bring much shift in the geo-political realm… something I saw and spoke that the impact will not result in the same kind of resistance that Trump has experienced in the USA. God is paving the way for the Gospel to be spread further. Revival has dawned on Colombia.
Numerous miracles took place from deaf ears hearing and the blind seeing, to the lame walking both in meetings and on the streets… one man holding a crutch above his head as a smile shone on his face. Tumors shrunk and disappeared. Demons fled afraid of the Jesus in us… on one occasion in a prison literally screaming at Manuel “don’t touch me” as she ran from him…which evoked demons throughout the room to shout, “leave us alone!” The impact of the Lord was great on that day.
During one day several of us were on the largest radio station in the region. It was being listened to by somewhere around 80,000. At one point the Holy Spirit swept into that room as people across the city received powerful touches from God. Abby Rotch and Greg Senecal led powerful breakthrough worship in a meeting happening on the first floor and Rebekah Rotch released a powerful message on overcoming that broke on that room with a cry that was hard all through region on the radio. There was amazing ministry that morning. The previous night we had ministered on the streets near that station and many called in as God healed them. Many were saved that night as our team ministered on the streets and preaching through a PA system. Our two youngest members of the team, Abby Rotch, and Emily Flavell preached with amazing power and boldness and were joined later by John Rotch and Greg Senecal who released healing and Jesus to the many who passed by and over the airwaves throughout the region. Many were touched. During this time we as a team scattered on the streets with an incredible translation team and saw many come to Jesus and be healed. 
Salvation happened in every gathering we were in. Healings happened in every meeting were in. Deliverances happened in every meeting we were in. But with all those in the meetings… It continued to happen on the streets, the places we visited, and the hotel that we stayed at. God truly did a mighty work.
It was pretty obvious the enemy was not happy with us and one of the buses carrying all our translators was in an accident that totaled the bus. It was a difficult thing to process through the owner who made his livelihood with that bus, but he carried amazing joy all week, as he continued to come to the meetings and cooked meals for us several times!
I saw many healed, including a blind man and deaf woman, a man whose foot was destroyed through stepping on a mine. His story was amazing… and I don’t believe we have finished hearing about that one. He carries a powerful anointing for governmental leadership and God touched he and his wife profoundly. By the end of the time with him along the riverwalk where many are in the evenings… Armand Roberts had him parading his crutch above his head as his smile beamed about the goodness of God! Many were healed, freed, and saved that night. 
At our final meeting on Sunday morning I spoke a word to a young man. I didn’t realize the impact it would become. Later as we were meeting with the pastor and his wife the young man came in the room. He was the pastor’s son. I began sharing more about his life and what God intended for him. It was then that he told me he had been in many meetings with many others, but that day was different. It was like God noticed him and spoke directly to him. He quickly left and returned about ten minutes later with tears streaming down his face. He explained that he was one of twelve children, (eight boys). He shared how all of the others followed God, but he (as he showed us his tattoo covered arms) became rebellious in many ways. I had already told him that he carried the anointing of the Lord to reach his generation differently than his siblings… that he would be a powerful leader in his nation with the hand of the Lord on him. Another team member, Denise Lambert, shared that she saw a kingly anointing on him. I shared the story of David. No one saw the anointing on David’s life either, because he was different…but he was the anointed one. He shared how he had been ministered to for many years by speaker after speaker, with no impact, but that morning something landed inside in a way that he knew God was turning his life around that day. There was so much ministry that occurred in his life, every one of the team was greatly impacted. Several said, “I think he is the reason we came to Barranquilla…”
Our plan is to return likely in January or February 2019. My prayer is that we bring a team just as incredible as this one. Manuel Aponte Madrid thank you for opening the door through Revival Nations (a ministry with whom we will be partnering in Colombia as well as others). Thanks for all you did in setting up the most incredible places for us to release ministry. We will see much Kingdom together. Denise Lambert what an incredible job you did coordinating flights and team and Nancy Laflamme for your amazing blessing and help on this journey! You all, John Rotch, Armand Roberts, Dan & Sue Rondeau, Greg Senecal, Sue Gonzalez, Emily Michelle Flavell, and Rebekah and Abby Rotch … along with the amazing translators… we became family… and you truly have been “The Dream Team!” I would, and plan to, go anywhere in the world with you!
Let’s take this back to the USA and watch God take over a Nation… as we also continue to go throughout the whole world!! (See more opportunities to be a part of Teams to South Africa, Poland, Brazil etc. on our website www.TheMountain.org)
Thank you to each of you who helped the team come, and specifically to those of you who partner with Mountain Of Worship to facilitate us going to the Nations! Your gifts are greatly appreciated and you become a part of all we do as you give!
Love you all!
Thanks for praying for us.
Danny Steyne


205 Wildwood Avenue
Madison, MN 56256
Phone: 320-598-3094


Dear Friends,
God bless all of you! My time in Minnesota has been beneficial as I am being strengthened after a good, but challenging year of ministry in Mexico. I have been sharing in many of our supporting churches and God has opened some new churches for me to share in also. Thanks for your continued prayers!! Sylvia and Joshua are doing well in south Texas. Sylvia stays busy communicating with the pastors and ministers in Mexico as we continue to spread God’s Word through them as I am away.


I will be going back to south Texas the last week in July and the semi full of ministry supplies will be going down at approximately the same time. The semi – truck will be loaded with 10 pallets of literature, six pallets of rice, beans and oatmeal, quilts, toys, steel for roofs, clothes, housewares, a donated van and many other miscellaneous items. Please pray for the semi – truck to run well and for safety for the driver and his wife. Also, please pray for God to work out all the details to get all the literature distributed across the border and in to Mexico.


God used the shoeboxes (Joy Boxes) in an incredible way to bring people to Christ in Mexico. We also saw how the children and their parents saw God’s love for them through the Joy Boxes. Recently several churches expressed a desire to prepare shoeboxes for GCOM to allow us to continue to minister to children in this way. They will be preparing shoeboxes between now and the end of the year for us to use in Mexico for our children’s outreaches. If your church, youth group, Bible study or family would like to help GCOM in this way as well please contact us and we will give you more details regarding the Joy Boxes. Thanks for considering this project!!


GCOM is using our ministry printing press donated by a friend of the ministry to print 60,000 books of Luke and 60,000 flyers sharing information about the fulfillment of prophecies pointing to the possibility of Christ returning soon.

There is little teaching on this subject in the churches in Mexico and we are endeavoring to get this literature to the various areas where there is little or no Gospel to point people to the importance of their need for Christ. GCOM is also sending boxes of the books of Luke to pastors in Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. Please pray the printing and the distribution goes well and for great impact in Mexico and the other countries through this project.



Joshua will be a senior this upcoming year and so please pray for God to help him to do well in his last year of high school. Also, please pray for wisdom for him as he takes his ACT test and for us as we teach him. Also, for God to open the right door as to which college he should attend as he has decided he wants to get his college degree so he can go into the military as an officer. This was a great answer to prayer for us. Please continue to pray for God to order Joshua’s steps in every step he takes and every decision he makes.


Please also pray for Sylvia for wisdom, guidance and patience as she handles a lot of the administrative tasks of the ministry.

and does much of the coordinating for my Mexico trips. Also, pray for complete healing of her acid reflux.
Thanks for your partnership with Grace Christian Outreach Ministries as we reach the lost and make disciples in Mexico and around the world. Please consider becoming a monthly or committed supporter of GCOM if you are not already. Even $20 a month or $50 a quarter can make a difference. God bless all of you!!

Serving Christ,
Kevin, Sylvia and Joshua Rosendahl

Ministry Needs
A person, family or persons who have a heart to work with GCOM in developing new missionary bases in Mexico and central Mexico
Missionary groups to use their gifts and talents to advance the kingdom of God in Mexico
A painter to paint our ministry van
More churches to join in our “Joy box” shoebox project
Funds to finish a church building project in central Mexico – $3,000

Prayer Needs
Strength and rejuvenation to be at full strength to go back to Mexico the end of July
God’s favor on the semi- truck and the driver and his wife as they drive the ministry supplies to Laredo, TX and favor as we cross them into Mexico to be used by other ministries to spread God’s Word
For Joshua to do well in his last year of high school and for guidance as he looks into colleges
In Mexico there is much division among churches and ministries. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to bring unity to the Christian church in Mexico
For God’s blessing on the ministry board members and their families and on everyone working with GCOM around the world
For God to raise up new committed prayer supporters and financial supporters
For continued protection of all those who work with GCOM in Mexico and in different parts of the world

Chris & Larena Johnston – Missionaries to Galway, Ireland



Hi loved ones! June has come and gone now, and God seems to be
setting up some pretty interesting things for the future. Not only
do we have camp coming at the end of July which we are excited
about, but we also have had a few sparks of passion rekindled.
Chris is tirelessly working at getting the youth signed up
for camp. We are praying over all the leaders, and we have a team
planned to come from the States to help! We can’t wait to tell you
all about it next month! If you could please pray for the 5
individuals who are coming to help, that would be amazing.


Chris was recently invited to an ARC church planting
training in Navan. It was a really inspirational weekend. As you
all know, we have been praying for a while now about how we can
reach more people in Galway for Jesus, and the Lord is sparking
some hope and ideas in our hearts that we are very passionate
about. Some pretty cool connections happened this weekend.
Just a recap of the past 6 years, Chris and I came to work
in An Tobar Nua which is a Christian Cafe in Galway city. We were
there for almost a year when we realized that our heart was for
discipleship, and connecting youth to a church. This was not part
of the cafe’s vision, so we knew that we needed to take a step of
faith and leave that ministry. We weren’t even sure if the church
we were attending (GCF) would want or need us to work with their
youth. It was quickly revealed to us that GCF had been praying
specifically for a couple to come work with their youth for the past
2 years! So it was God who had put those pieces together. During
this transition, a couple named Paul and Priscilla Reed had taken
a team to GCF the same weekend we were seeking answers about
our future here. It was at this conference that we were given some
of the most impacting prophetic words that lined up with the exact
scriptures (and circumstances) the Lord had spoken to us about
our situation! It was amazing. I say all this, because this couple
just so happen to be the presidents of the ARC movement in
Ireland, and it seems as though God is weaving things together, bit
by bit. Please stand in prayer with us over what God is doing!

ANNUAL  Walkathon

This coming month, we have our annual Walkathon
with the youth to help them raise funds for camp. We have to find
a way to cover the costs of transportation, so we are praying for
those funds to come in.

Mams and Prams

Please be in prayer for this as well!
I have a mom’s group date on the calendar! The first
meeting is on Saturday, July 7th. The name is “Mams and Prams”.
I am hoping to use this as an outreach of sorts. I’ve also invited
the two mom’s we met last month at the first communion. Please
pray they come, and that we have a good turnout! We will meet at
a childrens’ indoor play ground near the church for a couple of

hours. I really hope to build a community with these mothers.
Thank you for praying for this as it blooms into reality!
Just today, I met with one of my girls that I’ve been
meeting with for about 5 years now. In the beginning, she was
taking heavy drugs, and drinking every weekend. She opened up
to me over time, (and it did take time)! But after a while, she
started sharing things, I started sharing God with her through
scripture and personal testimony. I also informed her
unashamedly that I would be praying that she would lose interest
in doing drugs and destructive things to herself. Within a year of
praying those things, she told me she had lost interest in doing
drugs and has had less interest in drinking too! I just smiled and
she looked at me and said in shock, “You told me you were going
to be praying that! Your prayers are being answered, stop praying
for me!” In return I just laughed and shook my head. I have
continued to pray for her to have a desire to connect with the Lord.
As we walked and talked today, she said to me, “I want to be more
spiritual, I want to believe, it’s just that God has never connected
with me ever, even when I was little and I asked Him to connect
with me.” She even shared that she went to the Christian camps
and was prayed over, learned all the Bible stories, went to church
every week and it was more like just learning and school to her.
Nothing connected. She said she even wanted to, but she never
experienced God’s presence. This grieved me, but excited me at
the same time, because it has given me something pointed to pray
about. I asked her if God showed up in her life in the future, would
she have a relationship with Him? Without hesitation, she said
yes. So please, please, please! Pray with me that the Lord will meet
her where she is, and give her an experience that only He can give
her, to draw her to Himself.

Finally, we are doing well! Anora is growing, and she is
starting to pull herself up and almost walk. She has been having
“conversations” with us in her own little language, and she is able
to call our one cat by name now! She did give us a scare this month
with the fear that she swallowed a stone, but she was fine in the
end. The hospital said that is a very common issue with little
ones…but usually it’s something much more dangerous. So thank
God, we are watching her like a hawk…she is very inquisitive!
We are so very thankful for all of ye, your love, your
support, your belief in us and your partnership! We are just in
awe of how this work is a team effort, and we have an A-Team
behind us! Thanking God for you today!! We will keep you posted
as God keeps moving!
All our love from Galway, Larena (Chris and Anora)

Prayer Requests
We would be honored
if you would pray with
us concerning:
Please pray for the youth
to get to camp this year,
for them to raise their
funds and for the bus costs
to get covered
Please pray for the team
coming from America to
help with camp this year,
provision, safe travels and
Please pray for the Mom’s
group to connect with
others from the
community for Christ.
Please pray for the young
lady’s salvaon, for the
Lord to connect with her in
a deep and meaningful
way, where she will have a
real relaonship with


If you would like to team
up & contribute to this
important mission, please
make checks out to:
Hope Ireland Missions
229 W. Exchange St.
Crete, IL 60417
(Chris & Larena Johnston
on the memo line)
Simply go to:
& click on “partner.”

Bishop Coulter: An Encouraging Word on CHANGE