Be Encouraged! Bishop Mike Swearingen shares from Ephesians


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Bishop Mike Swearingen: Weekly Encouragement from Galatians

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Bishop Coulter: We Need Each Other – Weekly Encouragement

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Encouragement from Bishop Coulter: In HIS Power

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Has Your denomination Rejected, Replaced, Erased the Word of God?

Has your denomination rejected the Word of God?

We invite you to join TMCI, a growing denomination that still believes in 2 Tim 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. And Heb 4:12, For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

TMCI believes that God’s word should direct our paths, not culture. If you want to join a movement, a group of Believers, that still honor the infallible word of God, we invite you to visit our website for information about who we are and what we do.
The Missionary Church International, for over twenty-five years, has fulfilled the simple mandate from God to empower men and women of God to fulfill the calling God has on their lives by giving them a 501(C)(3) [nonprofit status], ordaining them, praying for them, and equipping them at regional and annual meetings and through the Internet.

January Report from Rick, Maricruz and Daniel Szymanski

Rick Maricruz and Daniel Szymanski
Date: Fri, February 01, 2019 10:59 am

Dear Friends,

Here’s a recent ministry update. We announced on the radio a baptism service we had planed for our radio listeners. About 14 people came and were baptized in water. It is always a joy to see the expressions on peoples faces after they are baptized.

We had another healing meeting for our radio listeners. We see lots of people healed while we pray over the radio but we also want to lay hands on the sick. Dozens of people came for prayer. I’m glad to report that most of them went home healed. 6 people came and received the Lord.

We held a family restoration meeting. People with broken marriages came and received healing. Families as a whole came and received restoration.

I would like to thank Denny Cline, Mike Brink and Jesus Pursuit Church for all the ministry training I received over the years. Your apart of everything we do for the Lord.

The radio ministry keeps growing. People call in all day long with reports of how their lives were changed through this ministry. Please keep us in your prayers as the radio ministry suffers many attacks.

I will be coming to Oregon in a few weeks. I need to have a MRI done on my back. 30 years of back problems and it’s getting worst. I can use some healing prayer when I get home.

I’m looking for a quest home February 26th-March 5th. I will be in and out each day keeping busy. If you have a open room to share I will greatly appreciate the hospitality.

I am also available to minister while I am home. I haven’t committed to anything yet.

Rick Maricruz and Daniel Szymanski
(541) 497-1230
[email protected]

Bishop Mitch Martinez: Part 2, The presence of God, can you feel it?

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Part 2: Sex Trafficking Intercession Guide: TMCI Presbyter, Rev. Gabriele Gilpin

Bishop Mitch Martinez: Part 1, The presence of God, can you feel it?

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Sex Trafficking Intercession Guide: TMCI Presbyter, Rev. Gabriele Gilpin

Gabriele Gilpin – Soaring Eagle Ministries