Jul 01
Joy To The Nations–Update and Important Request
God is doing good things in Honduras and I am excited about the things to come. My work in Roatan is the same calling that was on our Savior, Jesus Christ:
- To preach the gospel to the poor
- to heal the brokenhearted
- to preach deliverance to the captives
- to recover the sight of the blind
- to set at liberty them that are bruised
- to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
Though the Gospel is free, the efforts to share the Gospel come at a cost. It has been a long time since I have made any specific requests, but now the needs have outweighed the resources and I feel I need to give the Body of Christ a greater opportunity to be a part of God’s move in Roatan.
I wanted to share some current needs with you to see if you may want to be a part of bringing liberty to the people of Honduras. I am currently raising $13,000. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider helping with one or more of the projects below. Here is the breakdown by priority:
1 – $2500 for Permanent Residency in Honduras. My 5 year temporary residency is almost up and I need to start the application process for permanent next month to avoid having to leave the country for visa renewal. Residency allows me to dedicate more time and funds here rather than having to leave the country every 90 days. (With current airfare to the US at around $1000-$1800, $2500 once is a great deal!). It also offers other benefits personally. Fully Covered by The Garden Tricities – Washington State – Thank you Pastors Thom and Shelby and The Garden Family.
2 – $2000 for a new computer. The Garden Tricities was kind enough to provide my current computer 7 years ago. It still functions but the keyboard needs to be replaced and cannot accept current updates without possibly compromising other things. With no quality computer support here, keeping a newer updated machine is wise.
3 – $6000/yr or $500/month support. This is what needs to be added to my income to keep me at budget for personal and ministry expenses for 2019. Costs are higher in Roatan and I’ve lost some donors or they had to reduce support due to company layoffs and other financial hardships. Would you please consider becoming a monthly financial partner? You may also give a special gift to help with the annual as well.
4 – $3000 to furnish and add air conditioning units to ministry house. I have a home in Roatan that can house small teams (Next team coming July 10th – Please contact me if you’d like to plan a personal mission’s trip, or plan one with your church) and has been used as a place of rest and recovery for missionaries and pastors. The Body of Christ is becoming more aware of the need for Missionary Care and is part of the ministry I feel God has called me to here. I have already had several missionaries visit and say how blessed they were to have the time away and for the care and wise counsel they received while here. My hope is to help missionaries extend their time on the field by helping prevent burnout and helping deal with the issues they face. Having over 8 years in Honduras, I have made it beyond the average missionary full-time missionary term these days and want to help others do the same. Pastors from all over are also welcome for a retreat as well. I am in need of a couch and loveseat along with two ac units to complete the home and allow guests to feel comfortable as they have a needed time of refreshing.
To donate you may go to the website at www.joytothenations.com choose Joy Dodd or send directly through PayPal at [email protected]
Thank you so much, and as always I appreciate your prayers! And I pray that as we celebrate Independence Day we would all remember to thank God for sending His Son for our True Freedom!!
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!!
Celebrating His Freedom:
Joy Dodd
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