Bishop Coulter: CONNECTIONS – consider one another in order to stir up love and good works

Bishop Coulter: Growing Up Spiritually










Need Revelation? Renew your mind Daily: Bishop Bob Coulter


Teaching Time with Judy Covington: Journey thru the Bible 2 – continuing with THE PASSOVER


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Bishop Coulter: Prepare Your Mind for Action


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Report from the “Rez” with Justin and Ashli Galloway

August 14, 2019

Psalm 126

The summer has slipped away and school is starting here this week.  We are excited to see summer arrive because it brings teams to the Rez to assist in activities.  We are excited to see summer go because attendance increases at the churches because families are not travelling.

August 2019

This month started with a short term mission team from Connect Church Jax.  The team arrived and worshipped with Faith Covenant Church of God and worked to build relationship throughout the week.  The main purpose of the trip was to support Camp Meeting. Churches here on the Rez hold week-long revivals under tents. The host church recruits the assistance and support of other local churches and invites worship leaders and evangelists to lead throughout the week in morning and evening services.  Connect Church team members served alongside the Navajo to park cars, cook and serve meals and serve in a small VBS event. One day they even worked in the Monument Valley High School FFA orchard and garden with the teacher. A sheep was butchered during camp meeting and a few brave souls ate meat from the head/jaw.  Pictures are included in this update.

New Home

Earlier this year our family purchased a piece of land that borders the Rez.  The goal is that in 2020 we will purchase a manufactured home and place in on the property making us a permanent fixture here for ministry.  We are very excited about our future here and hope you will join us in the long term. For those of you who have visited us know that we have rented an apartment at the local high school for the past two years.  At the end of July we vacated the apartment and moved out to the Douglas Mesa community near Monument Valley. We are residing in a 745 sqft octagon house until our home is ready next year. Please pray with us during this transition time for our family.

Prayer and Support

We are always grateful for your prayers and support.  During the month of August we are preparing to schedule without Children’s Ministry leaders and write the 2020 children’s curriculum and a youth curriculum.

Please pray for investment from the Navajo and guidance in creating the materials. If you would like to support us financially you can follow the link in the signature line to our web page and use the DONATE button.




Gabriele Gilpin: Join me for the Exciting 2019 TMCI Annual Conference

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Teaching Time with Judy Covington: Journey thru the Bible – THE PROMISE to Abraham


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Important Report from Russia-Stas Karpenko

Feel the field: Challenges

 We’ve seen an influx in persecutions in Russia lately. Every month we hear about raids into churches by masked SWAT-type teams. They search for ‘’illegal spiritual activities’’ and terrorism chargers. Both are closely tied. Pastors and leaders are fined for “not properly marked Bibles” and “unproper proselytism”. There are several churches whose buildings are being demolished and congregations don’t know if they will be allowed to gather as churches. So, our first prayer in this letter will be about Christians in Russia. As probably in any of such circumstances, there becomes “less foam in a glass”. That is an old Russian saying, meaning in the days of revival we have churches full. But when hard times come, we see who truly follows Jesus. That’s what we’re seeing here and it’s probably true in your area too. Pray that first our believers stand strong and grow spiritually and also those who live elsewhere in Russia. Secondly, pray for disciple making process to gain momentum in those circumstances and the Church would expand greatly instead of staying in defense mode.



Nevertheless, life is moving forward in Ufa. Our son Tim has officially graduated from the third grade. We didn’t want to omit Christina so had them both received presents.


Camp 2019–Special Need

The time for this year’s Summer Camp is coming fast. This year it will be held in a little bit harsher environment. We didn’t publish booklets for this camp due to stricter rules on printed materials for religious communities. But the attendance for the camp is looking good. People from Bashkortostan as well as from Moscow, Kirov and Kazan plan to come. We will have a special fellowship and teaching times. We still need a raft and a new tent to accommodate everyone in the camp, totalling $350 for both. One raft and a tent will not make it this year because they are worn out. By the grace of God, we pray for new ones. Thank you for standing with us!


You can make tax deductible contribution to Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity.


Make checks payable to:

Ufa Bible Ministries

PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202


Interesting facts about Ufa and Bashkortostan:

Bashkir school of dance is well respected. Many students received international awards at competitions in Russia and other countries. World-renowned ballet dancer Rudolf Nuriev as a child danced in Bashkir folk performances.

Encouragement from Bishop Coulter: Be Men and Women of Valor


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