Encouragement from Bishop Bob Coulter – Be Proactive audio Message

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“There many ways to connect and “forsake not the assembling” of ourselves together. Through cell phones, computers, tablets we can utilize FREE resources to meet and broadcast: Facebook live, Zoom, Free Conference Call to name a few. We will have some of these resources listed on the web later this week You can do live video, or just audio. On the worldwide web we have an opportunity to actually reach people that might never darken the door.

If you are a church or have a regular Bible study or meetings in your home, I encourage you to use the internet to broadcast your message to your members to encourage them. Many churches already broadcast on Facebook. If you not broadcasting, I encourage you to make it happen.” READ FULL LETTER HERE

Bishop Coulter: It is time to BE PROACTIVE!

**Bishop Bob Coulter with another TMCI word of encouragement for the week.**

Isa 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (NKJV)

The Coronavirus is still with us and the fear and panic are rising. I believe this could be the church’s greatest hour, if we do not fall into fear and join the panic. Remember Rom 8:15-17 Tells fear is not our inheritance.

In the verse in Isaiah I just read, God tells us not to be dismayed for God will strengthen you and help you. He will uphold you. This virus not a surprise to God.  In Heb 13:5 God assures us “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Now is the time for us to walk out Prov 3:5, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

We, the church, must bring hope and life to our Sphere of Influence. First, I would suggest that you start by protecting your home and family by praying the blood of Jesus over your house and family. Repent of anything that is not godly in your home and lives. I would suggest you anoint your doors and windows with oil and pray the blood of Christ over the entire house.
Ex 12:13, which is our example, says: The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.

We are in a spiritual war against the Coronavirus, and the spirit behind it creating fear and the panic. The church must not be absent for this war.  We, the church, are the only ones who have the authority and power, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to bring the battle to the enemy and win.

We must be proactive by interceding in the situation. We must pray life into our sphere of influence, our country and the world.

I know the U.S. Government has requested no gatherings of more than 10. While that limits many physical meetings, God has given us a tool that we can still bring the Gospel of Peace and Hope to many. It is called the internet. There many ways to connect and “forsake not the assembling” of ourselves together. Through cell phones, computers, tablets we can utilize FREE resources to meet and broadcast: Facebook live, Zoom, Free Conference Call to name a few. We will have some of these resources listed on the web later this week You can do live video, or just audio. On the worldwide web we have an opportunity to actually reach people that might never darken the door.

If you are a church or have a regular Bible study or meetings in your home, I encourage you to use the internet to broadcast your message to your members to encourage them. Many churches already broadcast on Facebook. If you not broadcasting, I encourage you to make it happen.

Start a Bible study online and hold prayer meetings online. In April TMCI will start holding Internet connecting conferences on the first and third Monday night of each month. On the Second Monday we will be having a prayer meeting for the nation. The fourth Monday we have World Prayer when we pray for our missionaries and the countries they serve. We encourage you to join us.

Lastly, let us remember this: Prov 18:21 also tells we can speak death into the situation. Let us speak death to rumors and misinformation that cause panic and let us speak DEATH to the virus and kill it.

Speak forth and bring life to those around us and speak death to the Coronavirus. Use the authority and power you have in Christ’s name, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to call the Coronavirus null and void.  Mark 11:23 gives us that authority:   For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.

Let us let God use us to be part of the solution and the use us to bring revival in the land. This is our opening to make this the finest and greatest hour for THE Church.

Be Blessed,
Bishop Bob

Encouragement from Bishop Coulter: No Fear, Press on in the Mission

Audio Message from Bishop Coulter:


Rom 10:15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!” (NKJV)

The Coronavirus is the major topic in everyone’s conversation. It has gone from a concern to full blown panic. Rumors are spreading and people are in a panic mode. One of the tricks of satan is to make a situation look larger than it is. But we must not let him distract us from our mission to deliver the word of God to a dying world.

Remember fear is not in your inheritance, as Rom 8:15-17 tells us:  For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”  The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God

 In Heb 13:5 we are told God will not forsake us! And, part of our inheritance is found in 2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Prov 18:21 tells us that the tongue can bring death or life; We must start speaking life into the situation. It is time for us to boldly declare God’s truth to a secular world that is looking for hope.  People are open to hearing hope where there seems no hope. They are open to the Gospel of Peace.

As Christians let us not get caught up in the panic of the Coronavirus scare.  Let us bring the Gospel of Peace to those who need salvation and peace of mind. In Christ we have the peace that passes all understanding. So, share the hope of the Gospel with those around you. Speak life into your sphere of influence. Let them know that God wants the best for them in their lives.

And KNOW this, remember this: Prov 18:21 also tells we can speak death into the situation. Let us speak death to rumors and misinformation that causes panic and let us speak DEATH to the virus and kill it.  Speak forth and bring life to those around us and speak death to the Coronavirus. Use the Authority and power you have in Christ’s name, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to call the Coronavirus null and void.  Mark 11:23 gives us that authority:   For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.

Next is a prayer to defeat the corona virus. I encourage you to pray this prayer in agreement with us and/or pray your own prayer against the destruction of this virus, as the Holy Spirit leads you.
Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus Yeshua, we agree the virus named Corona needs to be confined and to die. We decree no weapon formed against the gospel will prosper. We lift up our eyes to the hills from where our help comes from as we trust in You. We declare this virus is under our feet and in the mighty name of Jesus Yeshua it is defeated.

We speak a fresh anointing for the gospel in China for supernatural healing of those infected in China and other places by this virus, that as believers pray for the sick the power of God will be seen to the glory of Christ. We declare the root of this virus is cut off now in Jesus’ name and we cancel all and any assignments against TMCI and every believer advancing the gospel.

We address this sickness and all afflicting powers. Your power to use this virus is broken. We release healing and restoration to overtake this virus and it will cease to exist in Jesus name.


Remember nothing is impossible with God. So, let us go forth boldly to bring peace and take territory back from satan.

Bishop Bob Coulter







Cheryl Coulter: Re-Purpose Your Past! He Turns all Things to Our Good

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Special Opportunity to Help with ESL School, UFA Bible Ministries , Russia

Dear Praying Friends,
What was the farthest point on earth you have sent the package to? We thought to share with you another opportunity to serve the people of Ufa, Russia through sending a package.
You with your church or bible group can prepare and send a box filled with stuff for our ESL (English as Second Language) school. These can be such things as posters, postcards, alphabet cards, word puzzles, board games, American coffee mugs, souvenir license plates, signs, small books about your state, nature, animals etc. Pens and pencils as small gifts for our students. Especially appreciated maps of all kinds (World’s, state’s, old AAA maps).
It can be pretty much everything where your Mind can lead you and what can be used for learning English.
Here’s our mailing address:
Stanislav Karpenko
PO Box 1298, Ufa
Bashkortostan, Russia
Let’s write another chapter (of the book of Acts),
Stas Karpenko

February Report and Prayer Requests, Ufa Bible Ministries, Russia


February was a real challenge for the students in our school. Two weeks out of four was a quarantine (sick days school closings) because of the flu outbreak in Ufa. Then we had 24th as a day off because February 23rd is Men’s Day in Russia – federal holiday. We’ve had only 9 school days out of 29! Now there are three weeks of studies in March and then another week for Spring Break at the end of March! During those seek days in February we had many prayers raised for the health concerns for our students.

At the same time, we enjoyed doing a little “extra” for our students other than just classes to express Christ’s love to them (and sometimes to their parents) to show them the Saviour. This involved going to theatre, baking rye  February was a real challenge for the students in our school. Two weeks out of four was a quarantine (sick days school closings) because of the flu outbreak in Ufa. Then we had 24th as a day off because February 23rd is Men’s Day in Russia – federal holiday. We’ve had only 9 school days out of 29! Now there are three weeks of studies in March and then another week for Spring Break at the end of March! During those seek days in February we had many prayers raised for the health concerns for our students.


The Lord has provided by His mighty hand. We’ve raised the needed amount for our trip in May. We are at the planning stage now to carefully tailor our time and activities in Zimbabwe. Pray for wisdom in planning and that latest coronaviruse outbreak would not hinder gospel efforts.


Please pray for Liliya’s father Rasheed. He was diagnosed with atherosclerosis of aorta and encephalopathies of brains. He has hard time to stay clear in his mind. We are in constant prayer for the clarity of mind enough for him to hear and understand the gospel.
We love you and so thankful for your fellowship in our labours together with Christ. Saying thank you seems hardly enough for your prayers and sacrifice!

You can make tax deductible contribution to Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity.

Make checks payable to:

Ufa Bible Ministries

PO BOX 1761

Columbia, SC 29202

Latest Report from the Szymanski Family in Mexico

Dear Friends,

We have been having such a good time ministering the past 2 months. Hundreds of people have given their lives to the Lord. The radio ministry has produced so much good fruit.

Sunday nights we have a discipleship group in our home. It is packed, we have 30 chairs and people still need to bring chairs each week. Each week more people come as they hear about the Lord’s presence in the meetings. The meetings are like the renewal meetings we all enjoyed years ago. There is allot of physical and emotional healing taking place. More Lord!

We have been doing weekend conferences and ministering in local churches. Tomorrow we are going to the island of women to do a conference. We are expecting great things to happen there.

Our son Daniel is interested in doing a DTS with YWAM when he finishes high school in July. We have entered into relationships at our local YWAM base in Cancun. So far Daniel is enjoying YWAM. A YWAM DTS cost about $8,000. I know we need help raising the support for Daniel to go. This is a time for Daniel to get out on his own and serve the Lord in missions without his mom and dad. We are asking friends and family to please help Danny raise the funds to go on his DTS this summer. If you have the means or desire to help Danny I have added bank info below.

Pay Pal Deposit: [email protected]

Bank Deposit: Make checks payable to Rick Szymanski. Enter 388860 in the Memo box. Mail to:
Central Willamette Credit Union
PO Box D
Albany, OR 97321

Thank You so much.
If you would like to talk my phone number is (541) 497-1230

Serving Jesus

Rick,  Maricruz  and Danny Szymanski

Stephanie Baughman on Furlough!

Dear Friend,

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

I am in the learning and re-tooling aspect of furlough at the moment. I’m enjoying being among CEF brothers and sisters from around America and the world here at Children’s Ministries Institute in Warrenton, MO. During this two-week module, CMI is offering three options for courses. I am taking the Instructor of Teachers Level 2 course learning to train teachers in Tasmania to disciple children in their Good News Clubs. We are delving into the Word of God to develop applications to teach Christian children.

One of the things we are doing in class is that each of us is assigned a Bible lesson to develop and demonstrate as we would demonstrate it for teachers on the field. In God’s Sovereignty, I was assigned the passage from 1 Samuel 16 where Samuel anoints young David as the future King of Israel. Before I left Tasmania, I left my Good News Club teachers with lessons on David. Out of all the stories in the Bible, they will be teaching that lesson this week as I am teaching it for a grade in my course!

I heard from the lead teacher of one of the clubs in Tasmania. She said that club went well getting started again last week for the school year and had a carer of one of the children to help with games as one of our teachers is still stuck in China with travel restrictions. I have not heard from the other club that started last week yet, but I pray they are going well. Another will start back this week.

Since I last wrote to you, three more opportunities have arisen for you to be able to hear about the work in Tasmania. On March 29 I will be speaking at Homeward Bound Ministries in Norway, SC at 10:00 am. On April 1, I will be sharing at Faith Baptist Church in Swansea, SC at 7:00 pm and on May 3, I will be at the Barnyard Flea Market in West Columbia for the worship service there at 9:00 am.

Also, I would love to individually meet with people too. If you are a partner in this ministry and have a friend you would like to have hear what God is doing in the lives of boys and girls in Tasmania let me know. I have stories to tell.

Another thing I am enjoying doing during furlough is sharing with children’s groups about missions. So far I have been able to teach a Sunday School class and a Wednesday night Children in Action group. I have also tried to get kids involved when I speak at churches.

Did you know that 90% of missionaries today were called before the age of 13? We have learned in class this week that 20% of them felt God’s call after listening to a missionary speaker. So even what we do during this time we take in America can be an important part of world evangelization into the future. It also reminds me of being the kid growing up in church hearing missionaries.


·         Praise God for an opportunity to spend time with Jesus and others who are doing the same thing I’m doing these weeks at Children’s Ministries Institute.

·         Praise God for opportunities to share what He is doing in Tasmania.


·         Pray that I would effectively communicate with church groups and individuals.

·         Pray for God to raise up new partners to carry on what those who have gone ahead to be with Jesus started and to grow the ministry in Tasmania. My goal for the time I’m in the States is $1000 in new monthly commitments.

·         Pray for Jingyi and her little daughter Jing Jing who are stuck in China with the Covid 19 issue that they would be able to get back to their Australian home.

·         Pray for God to guide a Good News Club child, Chelsea, in Tasmania as she deals with some faith issues.

·         Pray for me to glorify God in my assignments during my course through this coming week.


Stephanie Baughman

The Greatest Need Met: Encouragement from Bishop Jim Reyes

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