Notes from Bishop Coulter: Be Still and Know

Ps 46:10   Be still, and know that I am God

This verse is a very familiar verse that most us know by heart. But knowing is one thing; doing it is another. It is imperative that we take time alone with God to hear His still, small voice.

The fact is that God wants to tabernacle with us very day. We host His presence all the time, but do not take enough time to listen and fellowship with Him

This week I received an Email from Bishop Cherie Burger and here is what she shared:

I, like so many others, have been scanning the internet for different blogs and videos from Christians speaking about the immediate crises we find ourselves in. As I was getting ready for bed, I said, “Lord, there are too many voices!” Immediately, I heard, “Did I not tell you in this first year of the Decade of the Voice that you were to come aside and hear My Voice? There will be many voices speaking this year, but it is imperative that you recognize and discern My Voice from the voices of the deceivers.”

Not only do I think this is for me personally, but for all of us who are the Lord’s and represent Him to others. How can we speak the truth, bring comfort and hope to others, if we are listening to the wrong voices? God is releasing His Apostolic voices in this season.  May we hear and recognize His Voice and shut out the din of competing opinions of others.


During time of mandatory stay-at-home orders is a great time to start or reestablish a habit of setting time aside to listen to what God wants in our lives. Sometimes we get so busy doing the ministry we forget to spend time with the one who gave us the ministry.

 The interesting thing I have discovered is that the more time I spend listening to God, how He wants me to minister, the more effective I become. Some people are so busy with their own thoughts, or other people thoughts, on how to run the ministry that they miss God’s voice that best clarifies what we are to do and when we are to do it.

Remember, if the Holy Spirit directs your path (and God’s word tells He DOES direct us), you will be at the right place, at the right time, with the right word and action to get the victory in the situation.

I encourage you to take this down time to refresh yourself in the Lord. Take a fresh look at the ministry God has given you. Let Him fine-tune what He has called you to do. Reflect on what you have been doing. Are there some things you are doing that are not fruitful?

In the past I have suggested that we make a not to do list. Stop those activities that are not fruitful in advancing the ministry God gave you.  Maybe there are things you are doing that you could delegate to others. Remember, if your hands are so filled with what you’re doing now, God cannot give you anything new.

Some of you, as you take time with God to review your ministry, may find that God is moving you into a new direction. If you feel your ministry is stagnant, it is definitely time for you to seek the Lord on how to re-energize your ministry.  Remember, God is never stagnant, He is always on the move. Our job is to find out where He is moving and join Him.

I believe that God is preparing those who will listen to His still small voice to be a more powerful ministry than they have ever experienced: more souls, more healing, more deliverances. The world is ripe for reformation and God is preparing you and the Church universal for the end-time revival.

It is important that we take the time to be still and listen to His instructions for our lives and ministry.

The field is ripe for harvest. Let us not miss the call God has put on our lives in THIS season and time.

Have blessed week,

Bishop Bob








God Is Speaking, Stas Karpenko, Russia

Ufa Bible Ministries   

April 2020 Prayer Letter

There were times in history when God spoke clearly and undisguisedly. He tore the curtain in the temple to depict the truth that everyone can now come into fellowship with Him. He destroyed the temple in 70 AD to express the idea of a new spiritual temple, Church which is spiritual body, not stones.

Now He is showing even more vividly to the world that He is the true Lord of Lords. These days we clearly see that his Church is not mere a building but a live fellowship of saved souls. Let us bow down before Him in owe!

Easter, Zimbabwe and ESL Box

This year Easter is on April 19th here. Easter service will be held online. Please pray for lost souls to join that worship as many in Russian culture feel the urge to do something “spiritual” on that day.

Please pray for our mission trip to Zimbabwe In May. As you know all international travels came to a standstill. There are not any firm dates for easing it. In some parts it is worse, in some parts it is slowly starting to get better. Please pray for wisdom and discernment about the trip for us and all parties involved.

Several of you have responded to a call to send boxes for our ESL school. At least one box was already packed and sent! We cannot say thank you enough to each of you who took part in this project.

Featured Leader

Please be in prayer for Djaleel. He got saved many years ago but then stopped following the Lord. Later he returned to the Lord and started to come to our church. He and his wife have been on fire for the Lord last few months. He is clearly experiencing first love with the Lord. They are learning how to trust God in their lives. Please pray that he would go further in his spiritual growth and become a leader. That we would see how we can help him to serve the Lord fruitfully.


Our daughter Christina turned 4 on April 8th. She is absolutely adorable. It is a special blessing to watch her growing and becoming mature every day.


We deeply appreciate your countless prayers and support. These days that means a lot to us. We pray that there will be much fruit to your account as He continues to draw lost souls to Himself.


You can make tax deductible contribution to Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity.

Make checks payable to:

TMCI/Ufa Bible Ministries

PO BOX 1761

Columbia, SC 29202

Encouragement from Bishop Coulter: Be Still and Know

March Report from the Johnsons in Galway, Ireland

Greetings from lock-down in Galway.

What an interesting time we are living in right now! COVID-19 has reared it’s ugly head and spread all over the place, infecting people, and bringing death in it’s wake. As a result, Ireland has been on a lock-down. It started off that we weren’t able to shake hands or hug. Signs were posted everywhere about it. I actually thought it was a joke at first when our pastor told us we wouldn’t be able to shake hands with anyone at church.

Soon after that, social distancing came into effect, causing people all over the country to have to self isolate. Churches, pubs, restaurants, and other businesses are closed. Grocery stores have glass barriers protecting the cashiers, and signs mapped out on the floor, telling you where you can stand in relation to others. It’s wild.

The isolation hit us hard initially. I mean, we’re so used to connecting with people, doing ministry, getting out in the community. Despite the isolation, we’ve been able to reach out to people using social media. Thank God for modern technology! We have been able to talk to family and friends, share humor, and bring some hope to people who are feeling panicked. We’ve had conversations on Facebook that have really led people to an understanding of the Gospel. Earlier this week a girl randomly contacted Larena, telling her that she had some interesting circumstances happen to her and she didn’t know where to turn to for answers, but she knew us from a year she had lived in Galway and wanted to ask how she could receive Jesus! So listen, even tho the virus is shutting down church services… it surely can’t shut down church! We are the church. It’s not about four walls. It’s about each one of us living out the Gospel and sharing Christ with others.

At Galway Christian Fellowship, we’ve joined a team that will be assisting anyone in our communities with needs, for example delivering groceries, medicines, etc. Our church has also volunteered our team to assist with a local charity called COPE, who already provide meals for elderly in Galway. We’re attempting to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a time of crisis, so that needs can be met, and people can be supported.

It’s tragic that many businesses are suffering and may end up going out of business. My heart goes out to those who have lost their jobs as a result. This virus has many negatives, including the economic hit that many of us are going to face. However, I believe there will be certain opportunities that will open up that may not have been available before.

One opportunity that you all know has been on my heart for a long time has been the dream of a drop in center in the heart of Galway City. I have a strong feeling this economic downturn will actually open up an opportunity for us to get a prime location for an affordable price, especially at a time when other businesses will be struggling to afford their leases. We still need to raise the funds for this venture, but God has already confirmed to me that He will provide through people He is preparing to partner with us in this. I’m keeping my eyes open, and praying for guidance every day on this matter.

Pastor Sean Mullarkey, the national leader of Christian Churches Ireland was on national television (RTE) a few days ago, bringing hope and encouragement to a nation that is in desperate need of it. What a great opportunity for him to reach out to the nation. We pray that through this time of trial, many people across this nation turn their hearts to Jesus, and find the peace that only He can provide.

So, we are waiting this thing out, working from home as much as we can, assisting others when needed, connecting on social media, and spending time with each other. I’m so thankful for the family time we’re getting. We are finding creative ways to bring fun and adventure to each day. Isolation can be a depressing thing, but when we have each other to lean on, we can lift each others spirits when any of us are getting down.

I just want to encourage you all in this season. You may not be on lock-down like we are. Who knows, if you aren’t now, maybe you will be soon. I know they’re trying to decrease the rate of spread as much as they can. Just be safe out there. Stay healthy. I pray a blessing over each one of you. I pray for protection over your health. I pray for your finances. I pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding for those who are facing uncertainty with loss of work. I pray that God also uses each of you to be a beacon of hope to those you can impact in your own spheres. Thank you again for all of your prayers and support. You all mean so much to us, you have no idea! God bless! ~ Chris (L&A too)


Prayer Requests We would be honored if you would pray with us concerning:

Please pray God stops this horrible virus by sending out His angels to destroy this thing!
Please pray for the way this virus is effectng our world and economy-pray God will turn this around for His good.
Please pray for all the people who have died from this horrible virus, or are suffering with it. Pray for their families & loved ones as they will be unable to connect physically & their grief is real. Pray for emotional/mental/physical healing.
Please pray that God will open up more opportunities for us to share the Gospel with everyone we can in this time of isolation.

Support Information

If you would like to team up & contribute to this important mission, please make checks out to:

Hope Ireland Missions

229 W. Exchange St.

Crete, IL 60417
(Chris & Larena Johnston on the memo line)
TO GIVE ONLINE: Simply go to: & click on “partner.”

Bishop Coulter: Pray and Speak BOLDLY



Hi this is Bishop Bob Coulter with another TMCI say word of encouragement for the week.

I pray that you, your family and those you minister to have been protected from the virus.

I encourage you to pray the blood over your family, and over those whom God given you to shepherd. Our example is what the Israelites did during the Passover by putting the blood of the lamb on the doorpost to protect themselves. Let us pray the blood of Jesus Christ over our family, friends and the people we shepherd.

Our prayers of intercession are very important! I am reminded of Numbers 16:46 “Then Moses said to Aaron, “Take your censer and put incense in it, along with fire from the altar, and hurry to the assembly to make atonement for them. Wrath has come out from the Lord; the plague has started.”” Moses and Aaron interceded for the people and the plague stopped.
Rev 5:8 tells us that the golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints, are released in the throne room of God. Therefore, let us intercede for our loved ones by praying God’s word and the blood of Christ over our family, friends, and the people God has given us to shepherd.

The most powerful tool to change things around us is the word of God, and it is ours to use. Eph 6:17-20 tells us: And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints — 19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Yesterday when Cheryl and I were reading our devotion from Sparkling Gems, by Rick Renner, he had an interesting teaching I’d like to share with you:
_Rick emphasized the “sword of the Spirit” seen in Ephesians 17 — it is a supernatural sword that has the power to drive back the enemy and deal a blow to his attacks against your life. When you have what I’m about to describe, it gives you supernatural sword power against the devil!_

_In order to fully understand Paul’s message regarding the sword of the Spirit, let’s look at what the apostle had in his mind when he used the word translated “sword.” In the Greek it describes the type of sword that Roman soldiers used in battle._

_Because the Roman army was so committed to warfare, Roman soldiers continually practiced the arts of warfare. One daily exercise was sword practice, which they undertook both in the morning and the afternoon. This is a good example for us to be committed to read and use God’s word daily in our lives. _
_The soldier’s job in practice was to learn how to take advantage of his enemy, hit him at his weakest point, and strike him so he could not respond. His aim was nearly always directed toward the area of the post that represented vital parts of the body. _

_The practices I just described are exactly what Paul had in mind when he wrote, “And take… the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…” (Ephesians 6:17). How vital it is that we understand the sword of the Spirit!_

_Notice particularly where Paul said, “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” This word translated “word” is rhema in the Greek, which refers to a specific, quickened word. In order to have a sword that penetrates a blow to the enemy, we need a rhema — a specific, quickened word from the Scriptures — placed into our hearts and mouths by the Holy Spirit. With a rhema from God placed in our hearts and mouths, we have “sword power”!_

Rick’s teaching reminds us, like the Roman Soldier we must practice speaking forth the word of God daily and, as verse 19 points out, we need to speak it BOLDLY. When praying, ask God to fIll your mouth with the word He wants you to pray. For example, when troubles come your way you can pray Ps 138:7, “I thank you Lord, Though I am surrounded by troubles, you will protect me from the anger of my enemies. You reach out your hand, and the power of your right hand saves me.” (NLT)
Remember when satan tempted Christ? Christ’s response all three time was “it is written”, and He then quoted God’s word to defeat him. Let us do the same.

So, remember your greatest tool is the word of God. As Heb 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (NKJV)
Let us use the most powerful tool the Lord has given us, and use it more effectively in our lives,
Have a blessed week.
Bishop Bob

Alternate New Normal By: Hannah S. Hunter

Alternate New Normal

By: Hannah S. Hunter

Isaiah 5:7a(NLT)” The nation of Israel is the vineyard of the Lord of Heaven’s armies. The people of Judah are His pleasant garden.”

Events occur that reshape or forever change us as individuals, families, towns, and nations. Each generation can point and say this defined us or our future. Never before have we experienced an event or chain of events that touched every nation on planet earth as the pandemic, or alleged pandemic, we find ourselves in.

In the land of my birth, USA, this time of the year finds us beginning to anticipate the emerging new life, spring, and the Easter holiday. Winter cold, starkness and darkness are about to become a memory. Many come out of hibernation to smile at the sun, plan get togethers outside, plant gardens, and new songs sung with a lightness to our steps.

Just as we saw this on the horizon a diabolical terrorizing thing called by letters and numbers came first, crawling, then crashing upon us. Trying to snatch and destroy our hopes, dreams, and plans. Now we are faced with a choice, and yes, we do have a choice. Do we panic and hoard or do we tap into the faith we have been declaring with our mouths?

Go back to our map and follow the directions carefully. There is no hidden agenda or traps in the map designed by the Creator. He has our GPS and it leads to hope and life. You will never end up lost or at dead end nor an empty lot.

Scripture above is one He took me to this morning. Immediately I was in the spirit in that place. Oh, how lush is His vineyard. How pleasant is His garden! This was in a time when the kingdom of Israel was divided, and they were in great rebellion. Yet God was speaking their future to them. Yes, we must repent. We must let God deal with us as persons, families, churches, and nations. For He longs for us to align and each nation fulfill its’ destiny and work with His Holy Spirit to bring in the greatest harvest yet.

In no way am I minimizing our present circumstances of great discomfort and loss of our axis on which our life turns have been knocked off kilter. Yet we have a choice how we shall walk and who we choose to focus on. This will not last for eternity. As Ecclesiastes says there is a season for everything under heaven.

Do we descend into fear and chaos or do we choose to get up and start a new road to “new normal?” Each day asking God before we get out of bed to order our thoughts and our steps this day.

Recognizing that since I have been living in Africa basically since 2014 I have a leg up on many of my fellow Americans in forming a new normal. I am here to tell you we can do this. Elisabeth Eliot, who lived with a new baby in the jungles of South America after her husband was murdered by the very ones he was reaching for Jesus, did not know how to finish his wiring of the compound, nor translate the Word into their language, and certainly not pastor a church. She chose not to run back to her land but adapted the mantra of doing the next thing there was to do.

When our open-air market was closed where we buy necessities like food, supplies for our homes, and sell to make a living with abruptly shut down accompanied by threats and beatings we could only retreat to our homes. Curfew prohibited evening or early morning movement when water is hauled and preparing for the day and survival is carried out.

God just changed how we do church. He also took us back to our first altars and ministries- our homes and families. I can tell you He sent a lime. That may seem so small to you. I had a rare glass of coke and I love lime squeezed in it.

Two women with small children felt to bless the prophet on their land and come to help me clean, haul water, and do laundry once a week. We carried our Muslim neighbors’ oven to our kitchen, and I taught the grandbabies how to bake a chocolate cake African style. The rich aroma took us to a pleasant place and the taste put smiles on all faces. We shared with everyone in our compound.

Many are watching- our children, our neighbors, those we lead, our nations, our world- all looking how we conduct ourselves and the decisions we make in this season. Let us be found faithful.

Our annual conference, missions, crusades, church services all are a vapor in this season. We go deep in Him for long periods of time, but where do we pour when we emerge from the bed chamber? I have made it a point five mornings a week to gather my grandchildren and take their focus off the news and local shenanigans.  It benefits us both.

I have them set up a store and give them matchsticks. They are empowered to shop, purchase, and work together to get things when they cannot leave their compound. We watch videos of seals and wonders of the world.

Today we built a fort, crawled in, read a book all snuggled together, and then we visited the Alps in winter and got lost and cold till the Saint Bernard came with our flask of chocolate and warmed our insides. Those mighty dogs than laid by us to keep us warm and we were safe and at peace. A perfect picture of our God in this season.

Shalom. Resurrection is on the way!


We have made a decision to postpone the Women’s Conference and issue this call to prayer

After much prayer, We have made a decision to postpone the Women’s Conference and issue this call to prayer:

Let us unite in prayers for each other, our families, our president, our nation, as we are called to do in 1 Timothy 2: 1-2  A Call to Prayer

First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for all men, for kings and all those in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity.


Encouragement from Bishop Coulter: Don’t Miss the Opportunity audio




PRAISE!! re: from Richard Wiggins, TMCI Missionary in Nigeria

Well like you folks in America we here in Nigeria are locked down.

Our cases as reported are small.
However I suspect there are alot more than reported due to lack of proper medical expertise.
Our prayer is for sustained protection. We are fully trusting God for that.

THANKS to all who gave! We purchased a vehicle!!!


Critical Prayer Need

Saturday the 21st I was returning from building site of place of refuge to my residence. I was run off the road and hit a pole in my Land Cruiser. It was completely destroyed. The other driver left the scene.

I praise God I emerged with only a bruised sternum and am doing fine. However this is our only mode of transportation to reach the people here in Nigeria. We currently supply 5 orphanages and many impoverished people. It has carried us to 29 out of 36 states in Nigeria to the Glory of God. There is not enough provision at this time to replace this vehicle without sacrificing the means to continue to supply the people and continue building the place of refuge.

Also the poverty level here was already extreme and will only worsen. Not to mention the sharp increase in violence and persecution here. We need to be able to reach these people.

Pray that God makes a way. Even though we do not understand all of this and what God is doing we trust He has a higher plan. Frustrated and desperate but not in despair.

Thank you and God bless.
Richard and Toyin Wiggins.
Walking in the Mission, Nigeria.