May 05
April Report from Stephanie Baughman, CEF Missionary in Tasmania, Australia
May 05
Hope Ireland Missions, Chris & Larena Johnston – TMCI Missionaries to Galway, Ireland
APRIL 2020–Focusing on Jesus
“…looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
Greetings from Galway:
Zoom Sunday services and Torch – a new way to do ministry!
We hope you had a great Easter despite the circumstances. We are still awaiting the end of our lock-down. As of today, there have been 1,159 Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland and 19,877 total cases. The lock-down has created many obstacles for us as a church. Services have gone completely digital.
On Fridays, I still have my Torch meetings. I’m able to meet with my leaders, have a time of devotion, pray together, and even play an online game of pictionary with them. We’re trying to keep each other’s morale up during this time of isolation. I’m disappointed that none of my youth have any access to the level of technology needed to join any virtual meetings, but at least I can continue to encourage and disciple our youth leaders.
Sunday services started out as Pastor Peter uploading sermons to YouTube. We’ve taken the step towards a more interactive meeting, and this past week introduced Zoom church. We had about half of the church show up for a massive video conference call. We had a time of sharing, we prayed together, and listened to a sermon from Pastor Peter. It was my responsibility to facilitate the meeting, making sure everything went smoothly, and that there were no security issues.
We are also starting a midweek service on Wednesday nights. It’s a smaller attendance, but it gives people a chance to connect and get spiritually fed outside of Sunday services. Frankly, this has been something we’ve been talking about doing for a long time now, so what better time to get it started up than during a time of quarantine! So far we’ve had two weeks of midweek service. I’ll be leading next week’s, and I’m super excited about it!
Quarantine Blues
I know many people are experiencing “quarantine blues.” Trust me, we definitely went through a period of time where the isolation was really weighing on us. We’ve made some minor adjustments to our daily schedules, our priorities, and our overall mind-set. I think we’re in a good place now, but still quite ready to go back to the real world. Thankfully, we’ve had really nice weather recently.
I feel sorry for Anora, during all of this. I mean, she’s super happy about having me around the house more, since I’ve had to work from home, but she hasn’t been able to see any of her friends. She has two friends in particular named Asher and Jackson. They’re probably her closest friends, and not being able to see them has really made her sad. Last week, she cried her eyes out when she found out she wasn’t able to play with them for a while.
My heart goes out to all the parents out there, and especially parents who have to home school! There are so many adjustments we all have to go through.
I had an interesting thought recently. At the end of this lock-down we should all come away with two or three different areas of self-improvement. This is at least MY goal. For me, I’m focusing on improving my grilling/baking skills, physical fitness, and developing a YouTube daily devotional blog. Larena is writing her own book and potty training Anora.
What are your 2-3 areas?
Larena and I are praying for each of you daily. We know this lock-down is taking a toll, and we are constantly praying for your protection. We pray that you and your families will be kept safe from the virus. We also pray for God’s protection over your finances. Remember that God is in control. He’s not surprised by the things that are happening. The current situation may seem like a giant uncontrollable disaster, or even like a storm that’s raging around us, threatening our livelihoods.
Just remember to keep your eyes on Jesus. Don’t focus on the storm! Focus on Him. We will survive this storm and continue towards the mission He’s called us to do! God bless you!
Love from Chris, Larena, and Anora.
Prayer Requests
We would be honored if you would pray with us concerning:
Please pray for new ways to connect and interact with people and share the Gospel message during this �me.
Please pray for Ireland, that this will cause more hearts to be open to the Gospel.
Please pray for all those who have suffered with this virus, either mentally, physically or financially.
Please pray that soon we will begin to live the new normal and be able to connect again with others as we are not meant to be alone. We are meant to connect and meet and spread the Good News that Jesus Christ died and was raised to life to save us from our sins.
Support Information
If you would like to team up & contribute to this important mission, please make checks out to:
Hope Ireland Missions 229 W. Exchange St. Crete, IL 60417
(Chris & Larena Johnston on the memo line)
Simply go to: & click on “partner.”
Apr 30
Special-May Report from the Rosendahls, Mexico
Dear Friends, May 2020
God’s blessings to all of you! I am sure you can all agree with me that
the last month or so has been very difficult in many ways – having to
stay inside, lines to buy food, businesses being shut down, many sick
and dying – but if we look deeper, there have also been blessings –
more time with the family, more time to read and pray and a chance to
do administrative things we haven’t had time to do for a long time.
During these difficult times it is important to remember that just as
God was on the throne when the economy was doing well and things
were running like we are used to, God is also on the throne and in
control during these difficult times when the days seem to drag on and
we wonder what the next day is going to hold.
In spite of all the restrictions and difficulties, GCOM has still been
able to minister in many ways to the Mexican people by working
through the Mexican people. We have been busy coordinating it,
which Sylvia has skillfully done. From the semi- truck load of ministry
supplies that arrived at the warehouse in Laredo in January, we still
had six pallets of boxes of rice and beans from Food For Kidz. We
also had four pallets of literature and two pallets of medical supplies
still in the warehouse.
Two weeks ago, a Christian man who works in the Nuevo Laredo government, and a Laredo, TX man who works
with a Christian foundation worked together to cross all of the
remaining supplies into Nuevo Laredo.
These supplies have been distributed into various parts of Mexico to needy people affected by the government restrictions and to church groups who are helping the needy in their respective areas of the city.
For several months we have been praying for God to make a way for
twelve pallets of literature, ten pallets of rice and beans and a pickup
truck to get down to Laredo and into Mexico. On April 21, Fred Zweifel
and his wife, Jan, arrived in Laredo, TX with the ministry supplies. We
got half of the ministry supplies and Fred is taking the other half to the
McAllen – Progreso, Texas area where another ministry will cross it into
Reynosa and Progreso, Mexico for the needy people there. Two pallets
of the rice and beans and two pallets of the literature will go to
Brownsville, Texas where it will be crossed into Matamoros, Mexico.
From there a ministry friend, Jose Benito Allende, and I will go down to
Veracruz, Central Mexico, with the supplies, to distribute to ten feeding
centers and to countless churches to bless the needy people in their
communities with food for their physical need and Gospel literature for
their spiritual need.
Please pray for God to make the way for this trip by
getting rid of the corona virus in Mexico and in the United States.
Rick, from Body Life Ministries in Omaha, is beginning the process of
printing many more pallets of literature for distribution throughout
Mexico. Food For Kidz, from Stewart, Minnesota, has had to cancel
many food packing events the past months due to the corona virus
Due to this, they are completely out of boxes of rice
and beans. They are still able to do food packing events as long as
people follow state-wide social distancing requirements and we are
praying that groups of individuals and churches would catch a vision
to pack food for us to continue to bring it to Mexico to feed hungry
people during this difficult time. Mexico’s corona virus cases are
spiking now so they are probably two weeks to a month behind the
United States in this regard. Fred, the truck driver, has expressed his
willingness to bring down another load of rice and beans and
literature in a month or so but it is dependent on his having a
truckload to bring down.
Please pray for God’s timing on when the
next load comes down to Laredo, Texas and for favor in getting it
into Mexico as well. Please contact me at (512)757-9523 if you or
your church is willing to host a food packing event.
Joshua is working with the ministry as our IT Coordinator and
helping the ministry with all things technological. He is setting up
and designing our newsletter, designed our Evangelistic End Times
flyer, will be working soon on an evangelistic website for the
ministry and fills in in many miscellaneous ways where he is needed.
If God leads you to help him out with financial support you can just
memo the check Joshua and 100% of the donation will go to him.
We are not leaving Mexico as there is still much to be done there!
Hopefully we will be able to start ministering in Mexico again in
May or June. However, it has been nice to see how the Mexican
church has survived and thrived during this difficult time of the
corona virus. The Bible tells us that, “the gates of hell will not
prevail against the church”.
Thanks for your partnership with us in spreading the Gospel, feeding
the hungry and training leaders in Mexico and in other parts of the
world as God leads and open doors! You are greatly appreciated and
your work in the Lord is not in vain! When our time comes to go to
heaven one day, we will all hear those precious words from the Lord,
“Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
Let us all do all we can
to reach lost souls for Christ as long as we have breath in our body!
Our prayer is that you, your family and the people of your church
will be kept safe during this difficult time and that soon, in God’s
perfect timing, all will be back to normal and we will be able to look
back at the faithfulness of God during this time of trial for all of us.
God bless all of you!
Serving Christ,
Rev. Kevin, Sylvia and Joshua Rosendahl
Grace Christian Outreach Ministries
205 Wildwood Avenue
Madison, MN 56256
Phone: 320-598-3094
Ministry Needs
-Churches or groups of individuals to do food packing events to
help us provide more food to needy people in Mexico during this
time of scarcity due to the corona virus pandemic
– Missionary groups to come down to minister in Mexico after the
US and Mexico remove the government restrictions
-God to help us get everything in order for some legal things we
need to get done in Mexico for the ministry
-For continued protection from the corona virus for us and for
pastors and ministers ministering with GCOM
– For abundant funding of the ministry during this time of
difficulty for many donors
– For people to come to Christ in Mexico as they receive the rice
and beans and literature in the Name of Jesus
– For continued favor in getting the ministry supplies into Mexico
– For wisdom in ministry and personal decisions
For unity in every ministry and personal decisions
Apr 30
Mountain Top to Mountain Top in Lockdown, Hannah Hunter, Kenya
by Hannah Hunter, TMCI Missionary in Kenya
Jeremiah 29:7(NLT) “And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”
We often overlook this verse because we focus a lot on verses 10-15 about the plans for good, He has for us. They are so good; however, we need to remember this was spoken to the children of Israel as they were about to go to seventy years into captivity in Babylon. That means a whole generation plus would not see their land nor freedom in their lifetime.
In this global, or almost global lockdown, some of us are thousands of miles from home. Our choice in that God assigned to another nation. My heart does grieve for one of Christine’s sisters in Nairobi. Her husband was out on business when in three hours before curfew the President came out and completely shut down movement in and out of that city. She and her children were left without the father. He must stay on the tribal land until the city is reopened. One of my students is from Democratic Republic of Congo. I could see in his face he would like to be with his parents and siblings.
During this time, we refuse to play into the enemy’s hands of fear and paralysis of our forward movement for the kingdom. You notice I did not call this a quarantine because it is not it is a lock down. A violation of our human rights with the powers that be-choosing what is essential and what is not. That does not stop God nor His people.
The scripture above challenges us to work for the peace and prosperity of the town where we are exiled-locked down in. For the verse says He sent us. He knew exactly where we were at the moment the orders came. He knows every hair on your head why would He not know where you were? Our command is to PRAY to the Lord for the welfare of that city.
Kilgoris, Kenya just got smothered in pray, fasting, and worship. The visions and visitation made us rejoice. A woman who often disrupted our services with her drunkenness came to pastor Dan’s door and received Jesus. We have formed a bond with our Muslim neighbors. They are in Ramadan. One thing is they share their food with neighbors when they break their fast each evening. Tonight, when we broke our fast; we shared a cake with them. We share what we believe. I prayed for the daughter who was ill. I told her I pray to a God who heals and answers prayers. She let me anoint her and lay hands on her. To no shock she was healed.
There are altars and strongholds tumbling and we knew some things were concluded in this fast. For that we are so grateful. We spent today focusing on the USA. I am so grateful for the love of my land and President exhibited by the Kenyans. To hear them pour out the incense of prayer to the throne for my land always moves my heart. Thank you!
Each day, twice a day during the fast we met for worship and prayers. People got delivered and walls fell. Today we met and after worship and a powerful word on the blood by Pastor Dan we took communion. It was so sweet.
Our water tank was empty in the compound. As we all left to go to our homes, and everyone was safe inside the heaven opened and threw down buckets of rain. As we were enjoying our first meal, we could see the rain running as in a race to the tank. Oh, my how good the food tasted. God even provided some sweet fresh watermelon which had not been able to be brought in because of the lockdown and closing of the open-air market. We also were able to get our students fed and home before curfew. He has and is doing us good. Now if we can get some power back. Seems rain or power. Take a choice. You cannot have both. Smile!
Yes, it is not ideal but going deep with Him and each other is just about perfect. In the midst of great darkness, discomfort, and suppression let us find the joy in the waiting.
Apr 24
Urgent Update from Richard Wiggins in Nigeria
We pray you and everyone there are well.
Needed Transportation
Food Distribution
Critical Prayer Needed
Apr 21
Important Update from Doug and Jill Nelson in Thailand
Sharing and Rejoicing in Thailand
In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. 2 Corinthians 8:2 (NIV)
Many members of our home church in Thailand are experiencing the impact of Covid-19 in ways few of us will encounter in the U.S. Most of them are immigrant workers or tribal natives that live very simply on low incomes from pay day to pay day. Now, with the work shut-down, their families stand in very real danger of going hungry or being evicted from their housing. Despite this situation, they are sticking together and helping one another by foraging for fruit and vegetables, growing gardens, fishing, and raising chickens. However, there are still some vital things that only money can buy like rice, the staple of their diet, and the oil they cook with.
Eagles Rest International Ministries has been honored to participate in providing a large sack of rice and two bottles of oil to every family in Lighthouse Church, our church home when we are abroad. In the picture above, our pastor gives rice and oil to a family in need. Below, is pictured the supplies given to each family, and also a picture of our pastor’s wife taking the temperature of a family representative who has come to the church to receive the allotment for his family.
The members were thrilled to receive their provisions, however, their thoughts were not only for themselves, but for the struggling families in their neighborhoods, both Christian and non-Christian. Plans are being made to share beyond their membership, and Eagles Rest will participate with them in this outreach.
Any donations to ERIM marked for helping provide food, housing, or other necessities to our friends and neighbors in Thailand will go for that purpose. Our mailing address is below, or if you have PayPal, donations may be sent to [email protected]. We thank you for your support–past, present, and future. Please pray for hearts to be opened to the gospel through these shared blessings in a time of crisis.
Home in Time to Stay Home
From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2 (NIV)
The situation was well on its way to weird when we arrived in the U.S. on March 10. Our jaws dropped when we attempted to buy groceries for the first time since reaching home, and the toilet paper shelves were empty. Surely, this couldn’t be happening in the United States! But a lot of things were happening in the United States that none of us have ever experienced before.
Speaking for ourselves and for our family, we are deeply thankful that we are blessed with abundance of food and comfortable housing (and even plenty of TP!), unlike what is being experienced by many in Thailand (as talked about above) and other nations. Like many of you, our chief complaint is the inability to be physically present with our children and grandchildren. We also miss being able to join our church family in the same building for worship. But even in these circumstances, we are grateful for the electronic media so readily available to us.
We continue to pray for you and for the world situation, and we thank you for your prayers, also. Stay safe and well with your focus on Jesus, our Rock and our Redeemer.
Apr 20
News From The Szymanski Family, Mexico
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