Tuesday Encouragement: Unity & Prayer with Cheryl Coulter

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September 2021, Prayer Letter

September brought the return of
classes in our ESL school along
with our other activities. We
thank God for a plentiful summer.
But we are as well looking
forward to what the Lord has pre-
pared for us in this new season.

ESL school
Last year, the pandemic was
forcing majority of the classes
online. Now, the classes were
finally resumed. It appears the
students will need to keep a safe
distance and wear masks during
class. We are seeing that students
are hungry for community.

It looks like there might be even
more openness to spiritual things
than usual. We are praying that
God will do His work this year, in
spite of the challenges.
Please pray for us that we will
stay creative and quick to adapt.


Also, pray for the new students
and hence new relationships. and,
for financial support for the
school as we have a few

Featured Leader
In Russia, baptism looked upon as
the biggest spiritual step in one’s
life, even more than salvation.
Therefore, after one gets saved,
they are very slow to follow the
Lord in believer’s baptism. When
one finally does get baptized, it is
very clear indication that they are
ready and committed to being
obedient to Christ.

Ruslan was born in the Brezhnev
rule. When he was in the Soviet
army, he achieved an officer rank.
Later, he had two unsuccessful
marriages and gradually became
an alcoholic. Jesus met him in a
special facility for alcohol and
drug rehabilitation.

After baptism in our church, he became
preoccupied with the missions.
Please pray for this son of the
Almighty that he could become a
prominent vessel in His hands.

Friends and Family
Tim started at full load of English
and Russian programs this week.
Along with that he has music
classes twice a week. Did we
mention that he has played his
first Christian songs on the piano?
Continue to pray for Liliya’s
father. He is in a constant bad
condition. Our prayer that he will
accept Jesus as his savior before
he dies. Please pray for that.
Thank you for upholding us in
prayer. We thank God for each of

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Ufa Bible Ministries which is recognized by
the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit entity.

Make checks payable to:
Ufa Bible Ministries
PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202

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