Carlos and Emily Romero — Missionaries to Guatemala


A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to teach a group of pastors and leaders in Patzite, el Quiché. We had a great group of pastors and their wives attending the quarterly leadership meeting. God put on my heart to teach them about Moses and his three seasons of life. He committed a crime and had to suffer the consequences of his behavior. Through this, I instructed them about the importance of living in integrity. At the end I gave away all my suits, ties, jackets, dress shoes and four boxes of my books. What a joy it is to be able to bless the pastors during our time to transition the home base of our ministry to Texas.

God gave us favor with the people of Guatemala, and we were able to sell and give away our furniture, cars and personal items. We saw the hand of God helping us in every step. Although we were really busy, we were able to keep working doing the mission work God gave us to do. Emily finished up her semester as elementary principal at Christian
Academy of Guatemala. She was so sad to say goodbye to all of the students and her coworkers and friends, but we knew this was our God-ordained time to go. I was able to teach an online class of the book of Leviticus the night we left to fly to Texas. The class was at 7pm, and we left at 9pm for the airport.

Since we have arrived here in Ft. Worth, Texas, we have been trying to get some things for our house and settle in. Everything was going well until our air conditioner broke a few days after moving in! We are working on getting this replaced. Thankfully, some rain came and brought cooler temperatures while this happened. It had been 105 degrees Fahrenheit every day before that.

Thank you for your prayers for our transition and your continued support as you are able. We are taking a season of furlough before we begin our new ministry here after working full-time in Guatemala for almost eighteen years. I am planning to speak at a conference in Guatemala during the last week of August, and we are also looking forward to our son David getting married! He is engaged to a lovely girl from Guatemala who will be coming to live with him in Texas.
We covet your prayers for this crucial time in our lives. Please email us ( [email protected]) if you have any questions about our transition.

In His hands,
Carlos S. Romero