Troy Guild — Mission To The Children

“Changing our world One Life at a Time” 

Praise God for the warm loving reception I received when I returned to the states. I was in awe over the many generous offerings I received.  Returning was a huge step of faith, and I had to buy MY Airline TICKETS WITH the credit card, because I had no money. 

God in his great generosity opened all the floodgates of heaven and showered me with his blessings. Thanks to all the donations we have fixed the roof over our house at the ranch, and We are also putting in our back fence so we can plant donated trees and FLOWERS, and finally we are also cleaning the drainage drenches in front of the Ranch.  Next we are going to repair the roof over the children’s class, buy classroom SUPPLIES, AND get a bulldozer to dig out our drainage ditch. We are also GOING BUILD a one foot rock wall on our side of the creek to stop THE EROSION OF OUR top soil.  There is no cost to build the wall since we remove rocks from the river and place them on the bank.  The problem IS it is BACK breaking work and I am not a young man anymore. It is so inspiring to see our church advancing spiritually AND PHYSICALLY.  We have come a long way in the past two years. Thank you all for partnering with us in ministry.  We are also pleased to announce that this week we have helped send several men and women to conferences.

We are also getting a new baptismal pool from previously donated money. We are WAITING TILL the rain comes so we can get a better price. I need a welder or carpenter TO HELP replace the structure that holds up our roof for our children’s class. It is a small project. Come HELP US if you can.  Please keep us in your prayers. It is a hard life here AND I NEED your support. Thank you for helping us change our world one life at a time. 

Please Make Checks To Mission to the Children PO BX 211322 Bedford TX 76095