Special Need–Mission to the Children

“Changing our world one Life at a Time”


September has been a very busy month for us. Thanks to your prayers. God opened up the doors and Josh starts school next week. It was a miracle we God Josh in. Thank you Lord. 


As of yesterday we finally got the ranch’s water lines reconnected. I have been having a lot of problems with headaches and was unable to work in sunlight and praise God my neighbors came over and patched my waterline.  They would not even allow me to pay. Thank you Lord for good neighbors.


I also was able to help a pastor friend close down his church as they could not continue to pay rent. They will reopen in the future when the Covid crisis passes. I helped take a truck load of trash to the dump for them and I was shocked by the smell and by what I saw.  It was the worst thing I have ever smelt in my life.

It rained and we had to walk in mud to unload the truck and I could hardly breathe the smell of rotten food and dead animals was intense.

On Top of all that I saw poor people digging through the trash trying to find anything of value. There were two pretty young girls digging in the trash. I smiled at them and they smiled back. Their faces were the only clean thing I could see. It broke my heart to see people suffering that much. They were young but the hard life they had lived caused them to look much older than they were.

Please pray for the many poor people in our world who suffer. 


We have had a lot of rain               lately, and the retaining wall to the drainage ditch behind the orphanages broke and the baby’s home flooded and everything outside was covered with mud. Josh worked all day with the clean up team. It was really hot and the mud soured.

Thankfully no one was hurt, but with the lack of donations due to Covid it will be hard for them to complete repairs.


Lastly, we have a missionary friend who has his funding reduced and he has been unable to pay rent for several months, and he is trying to raise $2,000 to build a one room shed so his family will have a place to stay. 

Please help him.

If you want to help designate it for Daniel and text me and let me know what you sent so I can get it to him as soon as possible.

Thank you so much for your Prayers and support.

Please send your checks to Mission to the Children

PO BX 211322

Bedford, TX 76095

