Category: General

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Bob Coutler: Be the Church

Interview with Jim and Irene Reyes, Missionaries to Mexico: Angelic Protection during ARMED ROBBERY

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Coulter: Pressing Forward – Set Your Face like a Flint

Friday Interview with Bishop Marvin Tennant: Encourager, Revivalist, Fire Starter!!!

Gabriele Gilpin: Understanding the Kingdom of God – part 3

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Coulter: Pressing Forward with the Spirit

Do we want to return to “normal”… what we have always done, or do we want the MORE of God? Philippians 4:13-14

Acts of Hope! Discipling Nations with Zebbie Wheelock

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Coulter

2021 TMCI Annual Conference – Transformational!

GO TO WEB PAGE: The whisper, the shout, the sound we have heard trumpeted is “transformational” TRANSFORM: a: to change in composition or structure; b: to change the outward form or appearance of; c: to change in character or condition ; CONVERT TRANSFORM implies a major change in form, nature, or function COME! Expect …

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Listen! Encouragement from Bishop Bob