Category: General

Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Cheryl Coulter: Pressing Forward

Friday TMCI TV with Bishop Mitch Martinez: Pressing Forward, part 2

Tuesday with Bishop Mitch Martinez: Pressing Forward -part 1

Friday TMCI TV with Bishop Mitch Martinez: The Presence of God Part 2.

Tuesday Encouragement with Matt Grossman, Rebuilt Ruins Ministries – Power & Authority

Friday TMCI TV with Bishop Mitch Presence of God Part 1.

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Bawa: Prayer. Connection; Thanksgiving; AUTHORITY; Declaration

Friday TMCI TV Legacy Teaching – Bishop Bob Coulter: The Importance of God’s Word in Your Life

Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Judy Covington: Wilderness Wanderings

Stas Karpenko — UFA Bible Ministries Update

Always with you The Gospel of John is more informativewhen it comes to the resurrection ofJesus. It provides us withvaluable details about Jesus’sappearances to His disciplesafter He rose from the dead. It isnotable that He was appearingto them when they were lessprepared to see Him and thendisappear in the same way. Yet,with every His appearance …

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