Category: General

Charity Ford — Missionary to Nicaragua

It saddens me to say, as most of you are already aware, my father went to be with the Lord on the evening of September 2nd. If you are just now receiving this news, I’m sorry for the delay. We sent out an e-mail shortly after his death to everyone on our e-mail list, but …

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Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Gabriele Gilpin: Resurrection Power

Stephanie Baughman — Missionary to Tasmania

Dear Friend, How are you? With a couple Good News Club leaders getting Covid and me needing a root canal (please continue to pray for my tooth as it’s a 3 step process), it has been a bit of a slow start to school term 4. But we are pressing on. Last week Launceston’s Good …

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Troy Guild — Mission to the Children — Mexico

I am grateful for our past month, because it was a great month of ministry. We started our box of smiles project and fed many families. It was amazing what we heard, as we took the boxes of smiles to the families: One lady said they bought medicine for their sick child and they had …

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Friday TMCI TV with Bishop Jerry & Margie Bowers: Way Maker Angels

Stas Karpenko — Ufa Bible Ministries

We need to have a plan, strategy, vision, and God will amend it if he needs it. Believers in Acts had all three. They went to key cities, the capitals of the provinces as they preached the good news. There they preached at the synagogues or main gov’t buildings. From there the gospel was flowing …

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Chris & Larena Johnston – Missionaries to Ireland

Many Answered Prayers at a crucial time“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 Greetings loved ones! Please forgive me for this Septembernewsletter coming so late to you! If you’ve been following our updates onFacebook, you know a lot has been keeping us …

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Tuesday Encouragement: Ministry Spotlight with John Watts – Mission of Hope

Robert and Joy Varga — Missionaries to Paraguay

News from Paraguay: August-September-October 2022Dear loved ones and friends.Greetings, love and blessings from Paraguay.It took us a while to get this newsletter to you…All that we can say is that the Lord is in control of everything and that is very comforting!We give thanks with a grateful heart for all that has happened and is …

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Stephanie Baughman — Missionary to Tasmania

Little Hands, Little Feet Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We have had a verysuccessful 6-week Good News Club in St. Leonards. Boys and girlsheard the Gospel for the first time. Parents have seen a positiveinfluence in their children’s lives. It culminated with our church hostinga BBQ for the families of the community. Good …

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