Category: General

Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Saundra Werts: Faith

Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Saundra Werts: Word of Faith

Stas Karpenko — UFA Bible Ministries

I always strive to have a clear conscience toward God and men. Acts 24:16 Paul’s heart was set on Jerusalem. Even though he was called to be an apostle to the gentiles and did so well, he wanted to preach in the city of his fathers. He was aware of the dangers he might face …

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Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: The Work of Holy Spirit

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: The Leading and Guiding of the Holy Spirit

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Wert: Communion With Holy Spirits

Friday TMCI TV Shorts: Annual Conference

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: Our Indwelling Helper

Tim and Trena Johnson — Missionaries in Dominican Republic

Tim & Trena Johnson’s news & updates Continued ministry: evangelism, preaching, teaching, hosting baptisms for local churches, distributing tracts, hosting visitors, coordinators for Perspectives on the World Christian Movement D.R., blessing missionaries by volunteering for and hosting Agape Flights mail carrier office, involvement with Latin American Chaplains Association (L.A.C.A.), Santiago Christian School board (Trena is …

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Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: Knowing the Person and the Work of the Holy Spirit