Category: General

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: Our Indwelling Helper

Tim and Trena Johnson — Missionaries in Dominican Republic

Tim & Trena Johnson’s news & updates Continued ministry: evangelism, preaching, teaching, hosting baptisms for local churches, distributing tracts, hosting visitors, coordinators for Perspectives on the World Christian Movement D.R., blessing missionaries by volunteering for and hosting Agape Flights mail carrier office, involvement with Latin American Chaplains Association (L.A.C.A.), Santiago Christian School board (Trena is …

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Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: Knowing the Person and the Work of the Holy Spirit

Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Cheryl Coulter: Solitaire

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: Faith That Connects You

Stas Karpenko — UFA Bible Ministries

Admonishing every man Wherever Paul went, he tried to get in touch with the local disciples. In Acts 21 he was going to Jerusalem but he was making multiple stops on the way there. I believe Luke was writing about each of the encounters and all the names for purpose. Paul could have made it …

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Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Werts: Power of the Spoken Word!

Tuesday Encouragement with Rev. Saundra Werts: Practicing the Presence of God

Tuesday Encouragement with Bishop Arthur Werts: God is looking for YOU!

Stas Karpenko — UFA Bible Ministries

Jesus I know, and Paul… who are ye Way too many people want to capitalize on the gospel when it is glorious. In Acts 19 seven sons of Sceva decided to show that they also have power to cast demons. They even mentioned, “…whom Paul preacheth.” But, in the spiritual realms everything is clear: who …

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