Master Planning Tool


Whether you are just starting a ministry or trying to fine tune your vison for the future, you may be looking for a tool to assist you. Hab 2:2 says: Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. (NKJV)

For many years in leadership seminars I have used a tool called a master planning worksheet. I have attached a copy for you to use.

This tool shows where you have been and helps you to focus what you must do next to fulfill your vision. At first glance, it may seem tedious but if you persevere it will help clarify where you are going and what your next step should be.

I have included an explanation of each column which I pray will help you through the process. Also attached is a video that explains the process.

In the first column “Needs” you list the needs that you feel deeply burdened by and are uniquely qualified to meet. There is space for eight needs but I encourage you to write no more than three.  Examples of needs are a deep burden for the homeless, for the sick, or for youth or children. Be specific:  do not write general needs such as saving the world or our community.

In second column “Purpose” answer the questions:  Why does my ministry exist and what does God expect of me?  Each ministry should have a purpose statement which leads to understanding of your heart when others read it.  For example: TMCI purpose statement is “The purpose of The Missionary Church International  is to grow God’s Kingdom on earth by helping  men and  women fulfill  God’s calling on their lives giving them a 501 (c) (3) Charter (USA only), ordination, prayer covering,  encouragement, and  equipping at regional and annual meetings and on the internet.”

In the third column “Milestones” list the significant things you have already accomplished, one of which is your willingness to step out and be used by God.  This “milestone list” will remind you of how faithful God has been in the past.

TMCI can look back and see how God opened doors in Liberia, Ghana, Zimbabwe and Mexico. This backward glance gives us confidence and expectation of God’s hand in establishing works in other countries.

In the fourth column “Resources” list the assets God has given you to accomplish His will.

TMCI has been blessed with a talented team to accomplish what God called us to do.

In the fifth column “Roadblocks” list obstacles that might keep you from reaching your full potential.  This serves as a reality check. Anytime you begin to do what God has called you to do, you will have opposition. Many times it is a religious spirit saying that you are not educated or qualified or “we do not do it that way.’  Identifying Roadblocks will not stop you, but will prepare you to overcome or avoid them.

TMCI have had road blocks that we had to work through, but with God’s grace we have overcome.

In the sixth column “Ideas” list what you aren’t currently doing that you might consider for the future. Have fun, let the Holy Spirit reveal to you the possibilities in your life and ministry.

In the seventh column “Objectives” identify the areas where you should concentrate your energies. Identify at least three, but not more than five. Trying to do too much will make you ineffective in all areas. What you do must be done at the right time and with perfection to have a real impact.  For example: TMCI’s objective is to help at least one hundred more new ministries get started this year.

In the eighth column, the suggestion is to write your long range goals 5-10 years. I suggest you ignore this column since most ministries renew (fine tune) their vision after five years.

In the ninth column write your intermediate goals:  2-5 years. There is space for six but you may have only one, two, or maybe three.  The important thing is that you write where you want to be as a ministry in 2-5 years. Be specific: express these goals in a way that can be measured.

In the tenth column write your short range goals: 1-2 years. In this column state where you want to be in relation to your 2-5 years goals.

Lastly the eleventh column is your immediate goals. List the steps you will take in the next 90 days to move toward your 2-5 years goals. These must be goals that can be measured, so you can keep yourself accountable and keep moving forward. After the first 90 days, you set up your next ninety days and continue that sequence until the 2-5 year goals are meet. This eleventh column is very important.  A lot of people talk about long range goal, but never start any steps toward them and therefore never succeed.

I pray this is a helpful tool for you to use.

Be Blessed,

Bishop Bob Coulter