Kneeology: “Go and be a blessing” – a directive from God

Genesis 12:2 (Msg)  (God speaking to Abraham)

I’ll make you a great nation and bless you. I’ll make you famous; you’ll be a blessing.

God spoke these words to Abraham in forming His chosen people.  As I read these words I draw a “command” or to be more politically correct, a directive.  I read into this verse, “Go and be a blessing”.

As we all enjoy speaking to others about the blessings that we have received, how God has worked in our lives, it seems that although we should be grateful and certainly celebrate our blessings, we must also be a blessing to others.  As we are a blessing to others we are extending God’s grace and glory for others to experience so that they too can be a blessing to others.  It is supposed to be a continuous cycle of sharing and of folks realizing God’s goodness. I really love the prayer requests that come in from folks asking God to use them to bless others.  It is a sign to me of their focus and the intent of their ministry.  Blessings beget blessings.  In our being blessed, God means for us to serve as a conduit sharing His grace and glory with others.  I like to think of it as “blessing tag”.  Often the process gets bogged down as our greater focus is on self and just how much more we can be blessed and therefore we remain in the receiving mode instead of passing it on.

One of the regular evaluators for our ministry efforts at Rushing Wind is that of reviewing just how the different facets of ministry is blessing others, how is it passing the experience of God’s grace and glory on to others.  It is most often that one comes to know God through blessings.  Blessings, the realization of receiving, make God real and creates the desire to know Him in much deeper ways. It is vital in all of our ministries for us to help folks understand the source of their blessings. We must be in a constant audit of how we are passing on blessings.  Anything that does not extend the grace and glory of God, that doesn’t focus on Kingdom building must be discarded.  In fact, God’s calling on our lives and for our ministries is all about extending His glory and blessings so that others will seek to know Him up close and personal. Let us keep on keeping it on.

 NOTW…Bro. Mike